No. 40 of 1912.
To consolidate and amend the law with respect to vehicles and
traffic. [29th November, 1912.]
1. The Vehicles and Traffic Regulation Ordinance, 1912.
2. In this Ordinance-
(a) ---Driver--- includes a rider of a bicycle or tricycle, a puller
of a ricksha, a bearer of a chair, and any person in charge of or
assisting in the control of any vehicle.
(b) ' Heavy Motor Car--- includes every vehicle propelled by
mechanical power which unladen exceeds two tons in weight.
(c) ---Motor Bicycle--- includes every two-wheeled vehicle pro-
two-wheeled vehicle power which does not unladen exceed in weight
three hundredweight.
(d)----Motor Car ' includes every vehicle propelled by mechanical
power which does not unladen exceed two totis in weight but it
shall not include any ---'Motor Bicycle ' or ---Motor Tricycle ' as
defined ill this section.
(e) ---Motor Tricycle ' includes every tbree-wbeeled vehicle pro-
pelled by mechanical power which does not unladen exceed in
weight three hundredweight.
(f) Private Vehicle ' includes every vehicle which does not fall
within the definition of a Public Vehicle
(g) ' Public Vehicle ' includes every vehicle which plies for hire
or is from to time let out for hire or is intended to be let out for
hire but it shall not include any bicycle or tricycle not propelled by
mechanical power.
(h) ---Road---includes every highway, thoroughfare, street, lane,
alley, court, square, archway, passage, path, way, and place, to
which the public have access, either continuously or,intermittently
and either of right or by licence, whether the same be the property
of the Crown or otherwise.
(i) ' Trailer ' includes every vehicle drawn or propelled by an-
other vehicle.
(j) 'Unladen Weight ' in relation to a motor bicycle, motor
tricycle, motor car, or heavy motor car, means the weight of any
such vehicle exclusive of the weight of any load or of any water,
fuel, or accumulators used for the purpose of propulsion.
, (k) ' Vehicle--- includes every means of conveyance or of transit
or other mobile apparatus used or capable of being used on land lnd
in whatever way drawn or propelled or carried; but it shall not
include any perambulator or any conveyance for use solely on rail-
ways or tramways.
3. The Governor-in-Council may make regulations
(1) for licensing and regulating vehicles and their drivers;
(2) for regulLating and restricting traffic, whether vehicular or
pededrian ;
(3) for regulating the use of vehicles, their equipittent and
apparatus ;
(4) for Controlling the conduct or persons using vehicles;
(5) for the apprehension of persons who commit offences against
this Ordinance ;
(6) for prohibiting either absolutely or during specified hours the
driving of any specified kind of vehiele on any road on which the
driving of such kind of vehicle would in the opinion of the governor-
in-council be dangerous or undersirable ;
(7) prescribing the fees to be paid in respect of any licence granted
under the provisions of this ordinance:
(8) prescribing the fares which may be charged for the hire of
any public vehicle.
(9) generally for the carrying into effect of the provisions of this
and any such regulatons made under the provisions of this section
shall be of the same force and effect as if they had formed part
of this ordinance and any person contravening any of the provisions
of any usch regulations so made under the provisions of this section
shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this ordinance and
shall be punishable in manner hereinafter determined.
4. Every person convicted of an offence against the provisions
of this Ordinance shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to
a fine not exceeding 50 dollars or in default of payment thereor
to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 2 months.
5. Every person who shall contravene the provisions, of any con-
dition upon, which any licence under theof this Ordinance
shall have been issued to or held by him shall be guilty of an offence
against the provisions of this Ordinance and shall be punishable
6. any erson convicted of an offence against the provisions
of this ordinance or of any Regulation made under the provisions
of this Ordinance or of any condition upon wbich any licence shall
have been issued to or held by such person under the provisions of
this Ordinance or any regulation made under the provisions of
this Ordinance may be ordered by the Magistrate to pay to any
person to whom such Magistrate may think that any compensation
should be paid in respect of any injury, loss, or otherwise, compen-
sation not exceeding 50 dollars, in addition to the penalty provided
for under the provisions of this Ordinance, and in default of payment
of such compensation the Magistrate may order the person ordered
to pay the same to be imprisoned for a period not exceeding 2
months in respect of such default.
(2) The payment of such compensation or imprisonment in default
thereof shall be a bar to any further proceedings at the suit of the
person to whom any such compensation has been ordered to be
made, provided that no such order for the paynient of any such
compensation shall be made imless the party who has suffered any
such injury or loss or otherwise sustained dainage shall consent
[s. 7, and schedule, rep. No. 43 of 191.2).]
Short title. Definitions. Regulations. Penalty for breach of regulations. Penalty for offence against Ordinance. Penalty for offence against conditions of licence. Compensation for injury how granted. Compensation a bar to legal proceedings but at option of complainant.
Short title. Definitions. Regulations. Penalty for breach of regulations. Penalty for offence against Ordinance. Penalty for offence against conditions of licence. Compensation for injury how granted. Compensation a bar to legal proceedings but at option of complainant.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 40 of 1912
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE, 1912,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 6, 2025,