No. 9 of 1856.
An Ordinance to explain certain Enactments relating to Shipping.
(29th May, 1856.)
WHEREAS by 'The Merchant Shipping Act 18.54,' and 'The Chinese
Act 185,' the power to amend the said Acts in their application to this
is, under certain conditions, reserved to this Legislature, end it is
desirable to exercise
the aforesaid power in manner hereinafter appearing: Be it enacted and
ordained by
His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council
thereof, as follows.-
1. The British 'flag may be lawfully used by any Chinese resident within
lneaniag of Ordinance No. 4 of 1.855, on board of any ship or vessel
registered in~thia,
Colony in the name of the, said resident under the Ordinance aforesaid.
Q, Every register, certificate, endorsements declaration, or bond
authorized or re=-
quired by the said Ordinance, may be proved in any Court of Justice, or
before ahy-
persbn having by lawoi by consent of parties authority to receive
evidence, either by
the production of the original, or by an examined copy thereof, or by a
copy thereof
purporting to be certified under the, hand of the Colonial Secretary- or
other person who;
fir the time being shall happen to have charge of the original, which
certified copy he,
is hereby required to furnish to every.p'erson applying at.a reasonable,
titrie for the saniey,
and paying therefor,the.sum of one dollar for every..such certified copy;
and every do--
cument, when so proved as aforesaid, shall be received. as Pr, evidence of
tub matters therein recited, stated, or appearing, .
ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1856.
3. Any Chinese passenger ship clearing outor proceeding to sea from any,
port in
this Colony, or in, China, or within a hundred miles of the coast
thereof, on any voyage
or voyages. to any other port or ports, for the purpose of commencing at
or from any
such port or ports as last aforesaid a voyage of more than seven days'
duration, shall
be deemed to have cleared out or proceeded to sea upon the said
last-mentioned voyage
from the said first-mentioned port within the meaning of the °1 Chinese
Act 1855.' [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1874, and see Ordinance No. 3
of 1874.]
4. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's
thereof. shall have been proclaimed in this Colony by His Excellency the
Governor. :s'
[Confirmation proclaimed ord November, 1856. The whole Ordinance
repealed by
Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Recites 'The Merchant Shipping Act 1854,' and 'The Chinese Passengers' Act 1855.'
Chinese residents may use the British flag in colonially registered vessels.
Colonial registers, &c., may be proved by production of originals or copies.
Definition of a voyage of more than seven days' duration.
Ordinance not to come into operatin until confirmed and proclaimed.
No. 9 of 1856.
An Ordinance to explain certain Enactments relating to Shipping.
(29th May, 1856.)
WHEREAS by 'The Merchant Shipping Act 18.54,' and 'The Chinese
Act 185,' the power to amend the said Acts in their application to this
is, under certain conditions, reserved to this Legislature, end it is
desirable to exercise
the aforesaid power in manner hereinafter appearing: Be it enacted and
ordained by
His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council
thereof, as follows.-
1. The British 'flag may be lawfully used by any Chinese resident within
lneaniag of Ordinance No. 4 of 1.855, on board of any ship or vessel
registered in~thia,
Colony in the name of the, said resident under the Ordinance aforesaid.
Q, Every register, certificate, endorsements declaration, or bond
authorized or re=-
quired by the said Ordinance, may be proved in any Court of Justice, or
before ahy-
persbn having by lawoi by consent of parties authority to receive
evidence, either by
the production of the original, or by an examined copy thereof, or by a
copy thereof
purporting to be certified under the, hand of the Colonial Secretary- or
other person who;
fir the time being shall happen to have charge of the original, which
certified copy he,
is hereby required to furnish to every.p'erson applying at.a reasonable,
titrie for the saniey,
and paying therefor,the.sum of one dollar for every..such certified copy;
and every do--
cument, when so proved as aforesaid, shall be received. as Pr, evidence of
tub matters therein recited, stated, or appearing, .
ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1856.
3. Any Chinese passenger ship clearing outor proceeding to sea from any,
port in
this Colony, or in, China, or within a hundred miles of the coast
thereof, on any voyage
or voyages. to any other port or ports, for the purpose of commencing at
or from any
such port or ports as last aforesaid a voyage of more than seven days'
duration, shall
be deemed to have cleared out or proceeded to sea upon the said
last-mentioned voyage
from the said first-mentioned port within the meaning of the °1 Chinese
Act 1855.' [ Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1874, and see Ordinance No. 3
of 1874.]
4. This Ordinance shall not come into operation until Her Majesty's
thereof. shall have been proclaimed in this Colony by His Excellency the
Governor. :s'
[Confirmation proclaimed ord November, 1856. The whole Ordinance
repealed by
Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Recites 'The Merchant Shipping Act 1854,' and 'The Chinese Passengers' Act 1855.'
Chinese residents may use the British flag in colonially registered vessels.
Colonial registers, &c., may be proved by production of originals or copies.
Definition of a voyage of more than seven days' duration.
Ordinance not to come into operatin until confirmed and proclaimed.
Recites 'The Merchant Shipping Act 1854,' and 'The Chinese Passengers' Act 1855.'
Chinese residents may use the British flag in colonially registered vessels.
Colonial registers, &c., may be proved by production of originals or copies.
Definition of a voyage of more than seven days' duration.
Ordinance not to come into operatin until confirmed and proclaimed.
Recites 'The Merchant Shipping Act 1854,' and 'The Chinese Passengers' Act 1855.'
Chinese residents may use the British flag in colonially registered vessels.
Colonial registers, &c., may be proved by production of originals or copies.
Definition of a voyage of more than seven days' duration.
Ordinance not to come into operatin until confirmed and proclaimed.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1856
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SHIPPING ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,