Section.................................... Page
1. Short title ..........................3
2. Definitions ..........................3
3. University to have constituent Colleges 4
4. Continuation of incorporation ofthe University 4
5. Officers .............................5
6. Provision for Council, Senate and Convocation 5
7. Powers and duties of the Council .....5
8. Powers and duties of Senate ..........6
9. Composition and function of the Convocation 6
10. Committees ...........................6
11. Appointment of staff .................6
12. Faculties, etc . .....................7
13. Statutes .............................7
14. Decrees and regulations .............................................................................. 8
Is. Degrees and other awards .............8
16. Honorary Degrees Committee ...........8
17. Execution and authentication of documents 8
18. Crown rent ...........................8
19. Transfer ofproperty etc. from original Colleges to University 8
20. Repeals ..............................9
21. Repeal of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance and the Statutes 9
22. Savings and transitional ..............9
Schedule 1. Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 10
Schedule 2. Provisions applicable to transfer ofproperty and staff of original Colleges
to University .............................27
Schedule 3. Constitution ofthe original Colleges 28
Schedule 4..................Constitution of Shaw College 30
To repeal and replace The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, to repeal
the Chung Chi College Incorporation Ordinance, the Board of Trustees of The
United College of Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance and the New Asia
College Incorporation Ordinance and to make new provision concerning the
Chung Chi College, The United College of Hong Kong and the New Asia
College, to make provision for Shaw College, and for purposes connected
(Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
[24 December 1976]
Originally 86 of 1976 -L.N. 112 of 1979, L.N. 31 of 1981, L.N. 100 of 1984, 59 of 1986, R.
Ed. 1986, L.N. 25 of 1987, L.N. 7,7 of
1987, 67 of 1987, L.N. 20 of 1988, L.N. 251 of 1988,
L.N. 121 of 1989, LN 55/ 90 1 m 68 0
(a)The Chinese University of Hong Kong was established and
incorporated in 1963 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ordinance (Cap. 1109, 1965 Ed.) as a University with a federal
(b)the original Colleges of the University are Chung Chi College, New
Asia College and The United College of Hong Kong; (Replaced 59
of 1986 s. 4)
(c)it is considered desirable that some of the powers and functions
conferred on the said Colleges under their respective constitutions
and Ordinances should be vested in The Chinese University of
Hong Kong and that the principal role of the said Colleges be the
provision of student-orientated teaching under the direction of The
Chinese University of Hong Kong;
(d)it is also considered desirable to make certain alterations in the
constitution of The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
(da) the Council of the University has, by special resolution, resolved
that Shaw College shall be a constituent College of the University;
(Added 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(e)it is declared that The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in which
the principal language of instruction shall be Chinese, shall continue
(i) assist in the preservation, dissemination, communication and
increase in knowledge;
(ii) provide regular courses of instruction in the humanities, the
sciences and other branches of learning of a standard required
and expected of a University of the highest standing;
(iii)stimulate the intellectual and cultural development of Hong
Kong and thereby to assist in promoting its economic and
social welfare:
1. Short title
This Ordinance may be cited as The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2. Definitions
(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires
'approved course of study' means a course of study approved by the Senate;
'Assembly of Fellows' means the Assembly of Fellows of a constituent College;
(Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
'Board of Trustees' means the Board of Trustees of a constituent College;
(Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
'Chancellor', 'Pro-Chancellor', 'Vice-Chancellor', 'Pro-Vice-Chancellors' and
'Treasurer' respectively mean the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, ViceChancellor,
Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the Treasurer of the University;
'constituent College' means a constituent College of the University as provided by
section 3 and 'constituent Colleges' shall be construed accordingly; (Replaced
59 of 1986 s. 4)
'Council', 'Senate', 'Convocation', 'Faculties', 'Schools of Studies' and
'Boards of Studies' respectively mean the Council, Senate, Convocation,
Faculties, Schools of Studies and Boards of Studies of the University;
'Fellow' meansa Fellow ofa constituent College; (Amended 59 of 1986s. 4)
'graduates' and 'students' respectively mean the graduates and students of the
'Head' means the Head of a constituent College; (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
'members' means such persons as are prescribed by the Statutes to be members of
the University;
'officers' means the officers of the University as provided by section 5;
'original College' means any of the following--(a) Chung Chi College; (b) The
United College of Hong Kong;
(c) New Asia College;(Added 59 of 1986 s. 4)
'precincts' means, in relation to the University, the boundaries of Lot No. 725
in Demarcation District 42;
repealed Ordinance' means The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance
(Cap. 1109, 1965 Ed.) repealed by section 21;
'Statutes' means the Statutes of the University contained in Schedule 1 as the
same may from time to time be amended or replaced under section 13(1);
'teacher' means a member of the full-time teaching staff of the University of
the rank of Assistant Lecturer and above; 'University' means The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
continued under section 4.
(2) A special resolution is a resolution passed at one meeting of the Council
and confirmed at a subsequent meeting held not less than 1 month nor more than 6
months thereafter and which is approved at each such meeting by
(a) not less than three-fourths of those present and voting; and (b)
not less than half the whole membership of the Council.
3. University to have constituent Colleges
(1) The constituent Colleges of the University are the original Colleges, Shaw
College and such other institutions as may from time to time by Ordinance, in
accordance with a special resolution of the Council, be declared to be constituent
Colleges of the University. (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(2) No provision in the constitution of any constituent College shall be of
effect if it is in conflict with or inconsistent with this Ordinance. (Amended 59 of
1986 s. 4)
(3) No person shall be excluded from being a member of the University by
reason of sex, race or religion.
4. Continuation of incorporation of the University
(1) The constituent Colleges and members of the University shall be or
continue to be a body corporate called The Chinese University of Hong Kong
which shall be the same University as that established by The Chinese University
of Hong Kong Ordinance 1963 (28 of 1963). (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(2) The University shall have perpetual succession and may sue and be sued in
that name and shall have and may use a common seal and may take by gift or
otherwise purchase and hold, grant, demise or otherwise dispose of real or personal
(3) No dividend or bonus shall be paid and no gift or division of money shall
be made by or on behalf of the University to any of its members except by way of
prize, reward or special grant.
5. Officers
(1) The officers of the University shall be the Chancellor, the ProChancellor,
the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Treasurer, the Head of each
constituent College, the Dean of each Faculty and of the Graduate School, the
Secretary, the Registrar, the Librarian, the Bursar and such other persons as may by
special resolution be designated as officers. (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(2) The Chancellor shall be the head of the University and may confer degrees
in the name of the University.
(3) The Governor shall be the Chancellor.
(4) The Chancellor may appoint a person to be the Pro-Chancellor of the
University; and the Pro-Chancellor shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties as may be prescribed in the Statutes.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the chief academic and administrative officer
of the University and shall be a member of the Council and the Chairman of the
Senate, and may confer degrees in the name of the University.
(6) The Council shall appoint, after consultation with the ViceChancellor, one
or more Pro-Vice-Chancellors from among the regular staff of the University to
exercise such powers and perform such duties as the Council may direct.
(7) A Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall carry out all the functions and duties of the
Vice-Chancellor in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, except that he may not
confer degrees.
(8) The manner and period of appointment of the Treasurer shall be prescribed
by the Statutes, and his duties shall be such as the Council may determine.
6. Provision for Council, Senate and Convocation
There shall be a Council, a Senate and a Convocation whose respective
constitutions, powers and duties shall be as prescribed by this Ordinance and the
7. Powers and duties of the Council
Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council shall
(a) be the governing and executive body of the University;
(b)have the management and control of the affairs, purposes and
functions of the University;
(c)have the control and management of the property and financial
affairs of the University including the property of the constituent
Colleges, but in the exercise of such power of control and
management in respect of any immovable property of any
constituent College the Council shall not alter the use of any such
property without the prior consent of the Board of Trustees of the
constituent College concemed; (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(d) make such University appointments as it thinks proper;
(e) have power to approve the fees charged by the University in
respect of approved courses of study;
provide for the custody and use of the University's seal.
8. Powers and duties of Senate
Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes and subject also to review by the
Council, the Senate shall have the control and regulation of
(a) instruction, education and research;
(b) the conducting of examinations for students,'
(c) the award of degrees other than degrees honoris causa;
(d)the award of diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions
of the University.
9. Composition and function of the Convocation
Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Convocation shall consist of
the graduates and such other persons as may be prescribed by the Statutes and
may make representations to the Council and the Senate upon any matters affecting
or concerning the interests of the University.
10. Committees
(1) The Council and the Senate may establish such committees as they think
(2) Unless otherwise provided, any committee may consist partly of persons
who are not members of the Council or the Senate, as the case may be.
(3) Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council and the Senate may,
subject to such conditions as they may impose, delegate any of their powers and
duties to any Board or committee or to any officer.
(4) Any committee established under this section may make such Standing
Orders, including provision allowing a casting vote to the chairman thereof, for the
conduct of meetings as it thinks fit.
11. Appointment of staff
Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council shall appoint, on such
terms and conditions as it thinks fit, the staff of the University.
12. Faculties, etc.
(1) The Council may establish such Faculties, Schools of Studies and other
institutions as it thinks fit.
(2) The Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, may form such
institutions for the promotion of study and learning as the Council may from time to
time determine.
(3) The Senate may establish such Boards of Studies as it may from time to
time determine.
13. Statutes
(1) The Council may by special resolution make Statutes, subject to the
approval thereof by the Chancellor, prescribing or providing for
(a) the administration of the University;
(b) the membership of the University;
(c)appointments, elections, resignation and retirement and removal of
officers and teachers of the University;
(d) examinations;
(e)the conferring of degrees and the award of other academic
the composition, powers and duties of the Council and the Senate;
(g)the Faculties and Schools of Studies, their membership and
(h) the Boards of Studies, their membership and functions;
(i) the Convocation;
(j)the exercise of any function by the University, the Council, the
Senate, the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the
Pro-Vice-Chancellors, other officers, teachers and other members;
(k) financial procedure;
fees payable to the University as a condition of admission to any
examinations held by the University or for the conferring of any
of the degrees of the University or for the award of any diploma
or certificate or other academic distinction or for attendance at a
University Extension Course or any similar purpose;
(m) the admission, welfare and discipline of students; and
(n) generally, the carrying into effect of this Ordinance.
(2) The Statutes contained in Schedule 1 shall have effect as if made and
approved under subsection (1).
14. Decrees and regulations
Subject to this Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council and the Senate may
from time to time make decrees and regulations respectively to direct and regulate
the affairs of the University.
15. Degrees and other awards
The University may
(a) confer such degrees as may be specified in the Statutes;
(b)award diplomas and certificates and such other academic
distinctions as may be specified in the Statutes;
(c)provide such lectures and instruction for persons not being members
of the University as the University may determine;
(d)confer degrees honoris causa of Master or Doctor in accordance
with the Statutes; and
(e)subject to the Statutes, deprive any person of any degree conferred
or diploma, certificate or other academic distinction awarded by the
16. Honorary Degrees Committee
There shall be an Honorary Degrees Committee which shall be constituted as
provided by the Statutes for the purpose of advising the Council with regard to the
award of degrees honoris causa.
17. Execution and authentication of documents
Any instrument purporting to be executed under the seal of the University and
signed by the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, a ProVice-Chancellor or
Treasurer and countersigned by the Secretary shall be received in evidence upon its
production without further proof and shall, unless the contrary is proved, be
deemed to be an instrument so executed.
18. Crown rent
Rent payable to the Crown in respect of all land granted to the University by
the Crown shall be limited in total to $ 10 a year.
19. Transfer of property etc. from original
Colleges to University
(1) Schedule 2 shall apply to the transfer of property and staff of the
original Colleges to the University.(Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(2) No stamp duty shall be payable in respect of any transfer or vesting of
property, whether movable or immovable, or any surrender of an agreement or any
assignment of rights affected by Schedule 2 or 3; and no stamp duty shall be
payable on any agreement executed in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 1 of
Schedule 2.
20. Repeals
(1) The Chung Chi College Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1081, 1964 Ed.), the
Board of Trustees of the United College of Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance
(Cap. 1092, 1964 Ed.) and the New Asia College Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1118,
1967 Ed.) are repealed.
(2) Schedule 3 shall have effect with respect to the constitution and powers of
the Boards of Trustees of the original Colleges. (Amended 59 of 1986 s.4)
(3) Schedule 4 shall have effect with respect to the constitution and powers
ofthe Board of Trustees of Shaw College. (Added59of 1986s. 4)
21. Repeal of The Chinese University of Hong
Kong Ordinance and the Statutes
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109, 1965 Ed.) and the
Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Cap. 1109, sub. leg. 1968 Ed.) are
22. Savings and transitional
(1) The Council and Senate appointed under the repealed Ordinance shall
continue to be the Council and the Senate of the University until a new Council and
Senate are constituted under the Statutes.
(2) No other appointment made under the repealed Ordinance shall be affected
by the repeal but shall, unless otherwise varied, continue on the same terms and
conditions as if this Ordinance had not been enacted.
(3) All property, whether movable or immovable, rights and privileges vested in
the University immediately prior to the commencement of this Ordinance shall
continue to be vested in the University on the terms and conditions, if any, on
which the same were then vested at that date, and the University shall continue to
be subject to the obligations and liabilities to which it was subject immediately prior
to the commencement of this Ordinance.
(4) Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights of
Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs or Successors or the rights of any body politic or
corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them. (Added 59 of 1986s. 4)
SCHEDULE1 [ss. 2 & 13(2)]
In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise requires---
'College' means a constituent College of the University as provided by section 3 and 'Colleges'
shall be construed accordingly; (59 of 1986 s. 4)
'Ordinance' means The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap.
1.The time, place and procedure of the Congregations of the whole University shall be
determined by the Chancellor.
2.The Chancellor, or in his absence, the Pro-Chancellor or, in the absence of both of them, the
Vice-Chancellor, shall preside at Congregations.
3. At least one Congregation shall be held in each academic year.
The members of the University shall be-
(a) the Chancellor;
(b) the Pro-Chancellor;
(c) the Vice-Chancellor;
(d) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(e) the Treasurer;
(j) the members of the Council;
(g) the Heads of the Colleges;
(h) the members of the Senate;
(i) Emeriti, Honorary and Research Professors;
W the teachers;
(k) the Secretary, Registrar, Librarian and Bursar;
(ka) the Director of Student Affairs; (L.N. 251 of 1988)
(1) such other persons holding such other offices or appointments at or made by the
University as the Council may from time to time determine;
(m) the graduates and such other persons as are entitled in accordance with Statute 18 to have
their names placed upon the Convocation roll;
(n) the students.
1. The Chancellor, when present, shall preside at Congregations of the University.
2. The Chancellor shall be entitled-
(a)to call for information in regard to any matter relating to the welfare of the University
from the Vice-Chancellor and the Chairman of the Council, whose duty it shall be to
provide such information; and
(b)on the receipt of such information to recommend to the Council such action as he deems
1. The Pro-Chancellor may, on the authorization of the Chancellor and on his behalf, exercise
any of the powers or perform any of the duties conferred or imposed on the Chancellor by
the Statutes.
2. The Pro-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Chancellor.
1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Council after receiving the advice of a
committee established by the Council and composed of the Chairman of the Council, 3
members nominated by the Council from among its number and 3 members nominated by
the Senate from among its number.
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for such period and on such terms as may be determined
by the Council.
3. The Vice-Chancellor shall
(a)have the right and duty to advise the Council on any matter affecting the policy,
finance and administration ofthe University;
(b)be generally responsible to the Council for the maintenance of the efficiency and good
order of the University and for ensuring the proper enforcement of the Statutes,
decrees and regulations;
(c) report to the Senate at its next meeting if he has suspended or expelled any student;
(d)have power to appoint a person to discharge the functions and duties of the Pro-Vice-
Chancellors, a Dean of a Faculty, the Chairman of a Board of Studies, the Secretary,
Registrar, the Librarian or the Bursar during a temporary vacancy in any such
appointment or during the temporary absence or inability of the holder of any such
(e) have power in case of emergency to appoint external examiners.
A Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for 2 years and may be re-appointed for further
periods not exceeding 2 years.
The Treasurer shall he appointed by the Council and shall hold office for 3 years, and may
be re-appointed and when he is re-appointed he shall hold office for a further period or periods
of 3 years.
1 . The Head of each College, other than the first Head, shall be appointed or re-appointed by
Council on the recommendation of a committee consisting of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chairman;
(b)one memberof the Board of Trustees ofthe College for which the Head is to be
appointed or re-appointed, elected by the Board; and
(c)6 Fellows of that College elected under paragraph 6(b) of Statute 16 for the purpose by the
Assembly of Fellows of that College.
2. The first Head of each College shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of
the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College
concerned for such term as the Council shall determine.
3. The Head of a College, other than the first Head, shall be appointed for a period of 4 years and
shall he eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of 2 further periods, each of 3 years.
4. The Head of a College shall he responsible for the welfare of the College and the students
assigned to it and shall collaborate closely with the Vice-Chancellor in the conduct of the
College and its work.
5. The Head of a College shall be the Chairman of the Assembly of Fellows of that College.
6. A Head of a College shall be an academic, but need not he on the academic staff of the
University at the time of his appointment.
1. The Secretary-
(a) shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of a Board of Advisers;
(b) shall be the custodian of the common seal of the University;
(c) shall be with the Registrar, the joint custodian of the records of the University;
(d) shall be the Secretary of the Council,-
(e)shall discharge such duties as are specified in the Ordinance and Statutes and such other
duties as may be determined by the Council.
2. The Registrar-
(a) shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of a Board of Advisers;
(b)shall keep a register of all members of the University under their respective qualifications
as specified in Statute 3;
(c)shall be, with the Secretary of the Council, the joint custodian of the records of the
(d) shall be the Secretary of the Senate;
(e)shall discharge such duties as are specified in the Ordinance and Statutes and such other
duties as may be determined by the Council and Senate;
may exercise his functions as Secretary of the Boards of the Faculties by deputy.
3. The Librarian-
(a) shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of a Board of Advisers;
(b) shall be responsible for administering the library services of the University;
(c)shall discharge such duties as may be determined by the Council after consultation with
the Senate.
4. The Bursar-
(a) shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of a Board of Advisers;
(b)shall be responsible for the keeping of all University accounts and such inventories as the
Council may determine;
(c)shall discharge such other duties in connection with University finance and otherwise as
may be determined by the Council;
(d) shall be Secretary of the Finance Committee.
5. The Director of Student Affairs-
(a) shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) shall hold office for such period as may be determined by the Council;
(c)shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for such duties in connection with student
affairs as may be determined by the Council;
(d) may be designated as an officer. (L.N. 251 of 1988)
The Council shall consist of-
(a)the Chairman, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the nomination of the
Council from persons under subparagraphs (k), (1), (m) and (n);
(b) the Vice-Chancellor;
(c) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(d) the Treasurer;
(da) life members appointed by the Council; (L.N. 31 of 1981)
(e)2 members elected by the Board of Trustees of each College from among its own
the Head of each College;
(g) the Dean of each Faculty and of the Graduate School;
(h) one Fellow of each College elected by the College's Assembly of Fellows;
(i) 3 members elected by the Senate from among the academic members of the Senate;
(j)not more than 4 persons from Universities or education organizations outside Hong
Kong who shall be nominated by the Council;
(k) 4 persons nominated by the Chancellor;
(1)3 persons elected by the Members of the Legislative Council, other than Official
Members, from among their own number; (67of1987s.2)
(m)not more than 4 other persons, normally resident in Hong Kong; who shall be elected by
the Council;
(n)after a date to be appointed by the Council, such number of members of the
Convocation not exceeding 3 as shall be determined by the Council from time to time,
to be elected by the Convocation in the manner determined by the Council.
2. (1) Persons who hold appointments in the University shall not be eligible for nomination or
election under paragraph 1 (k), (1), (m) or (n).
(2) Any person who is a member of the Board of Trustees of any College who is nominated
or elected under paragraph 1(k), (1) or (m) shall resign from membership of the Board of
3. The Chairman of the Council shall hold office for 3 years and may be re-appointed for
periods of 3 years.
4. (1) The nominated and elected members of the Council shall hold office for 3 years from the
date of their nomination or election and shall be eligible for re- nomination or re-election:
Provided that members elected under the provisions or paragraph 1(e) and (h) shall
to be members of the Council if they cease to be members of the Board of Trustees or of
the Assembly of Fellows respectively which elected them.
(2) A body re-nominating or re-electing a member may re-nominate or re-elect, as the case
may be, such member for a period of 3 years or for a period of less than 3 years. (L.N. 20 of
5. Should a nominated or elected member of the Council die or resign during his period of
membership, the body which nominated or elected him shall duly nominate or elect, as the
may be, a successor whose membership of the Council shall be for the unexpired period of
membership of his predecessor. Such successor shall be eligible for re-nomination or
re-election, and paragraph 4(2) shall apply thereto. (L.N. 20 of 1988)
6. Members of the Council whose membership derives from paragraph 1(b), (c), (d), (j) and (g)
shall remain members of the Council for so long as they hold the office or appointment by
reason of which they became members of the Council.
7.The Council shall elect from among its members a Vice-Chairman who shall hold office for a
period of 2 years and who may be re-elected.
8.Subject to the Ordinance and the Statutes and without derogating from the generality of its
power, it is specifically prescribed
(1) that the Council shall have the power-
(a)to make Statutes, provided that no Statute shall be made until the Senate shall have
had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council;
(b)to make decrees for any purpose for which decrees are or may be authorized to be
made, provided that no decree shall be made until the Senate shall have had an
opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council;
(c) to invest any money belonging to the University;
(d) to borrow money on behalf of the University;
(e) to sell, buy, exchange, lease or accept leases of any real or personal property on
behalf of the University;
to enter into, vary, perform and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
(g)to require the Board of Trustees of each College annually to produce its audited
accounts in such form and at such time as the Council may determine;
(h) to receive from public sources grants for capital and recurrent expenditure;
(i)to receive annually and for such longer periods as the Council may determine from
time to time from the Vice-Chancellor, after he has consulted the Senate, and to
approve, estimates of expenditure;
(j)to receive gifts and to approve, subject to such conditions as the Council thinks fit,
the receipt of gifts by the Colleges;
(k)to provide for the welfare of persons employed by the University and the wives,
widows and dependants of such persons, including the payment of money, pensions,
or other payments and to subscribe to benevolent and other funds for the benefit of
such persons;
(1) to provide for the discipline and welfare of students;
(m) to recommend the award of degrees honoris causa;
(n)after report from the Senate to establish additional Faculties or to abolish, combine
or subdivide any Faculty;
(o) to prescribe fees of the University; (2) that it shall be the duty of the Council
(a)to appoint bankers, auditors and any other agents whom it deems expedient to
(b) to appoint an Administrative and Planning Committee;
(c)to cause proper books of account to be kept for all sums of money received and
expended by the University and for the assets and liabilities of the University so
that such books give a true and fair statement of financial transactions and position
of the University;
(d)to cause the accounts of the University to be audited within 6 months after the
termination of each financial year as the Council may determine;
(e)to provide the buildings, libraries, laboratories, premises, furniture, apparatus and
other equipment needed for the University;
in consultation with the Senate to encourage and provide for research by members
of the University;
(g)to review the instruction and teaching in courses of study leading to degrees,
diplomas, certificates and other awards of the University;
(h) after consultation with the Senate, to institute all teaching posts;
(i)to administer or cause to be administered a Superannuation Fund or Funds for the
benefit of persons employed by the University;
(j)to establish Boards of Advisers and to appoint external experts thereto on the
recommendation of the Senate;
(k)to appoint on such terms and conditions as the Council may determine each
Professor, Reader and Senior Lecturer and the Secretary, the Registrar, the Librarian
and the Bursar on the recommendation of duly constituted Boards of Advisers;
(1)to make, on such terms and conditions as the Council may determine, such other
University appointments as the Council deems necessary;
(m)on the recommendation of the Senate, to appoint a Director of Studies for each
academic subject;
(n) to appoint external examiners on the recommendation of the Senate;
(o)to provide for the printing and publication of works which may be issued by the
University; and
(p)to consider reports from the Senate, and if the Council deems it proper to do so, to
take action thereon.
9.The Council shall meet at least 3 times in each academic year and additionally on the written
request of the Chairman of the Council or the Vice-Chancellor or any 5 members of the
10.7 days' notice in writing of any meeting of the Council shall be sent by the Secretary to each
person entitled to receive notice of the meeting with the agenda thereof, and no business not
included in the agenda shall be transacted if the Chairman or any 2 members present object.
11.The Council may make for the proper conduct of its business Standing Orders which it may
amend or rescind by simple majority at any of its meetings provided that not less than 7
days' notice has been given in writing by the Secretary to members of the Council of the
proposal so to amend or rescind.
12. The quorum at any meeting of the Council shall be 12.
1 . The Council shall fix the financial year.
2.There shall be a Committee of the Council known as the Finance Committee, which shall
consist of
(a) the Treasurer, who shall be Chairman;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor or his representative;
(c) the Head of each College; and
(d) 3 other persons, including persons who are not members of the Council, as the Council
shall appoint.
There shall be referred to the Finance Committee all matters within the jurisdiction of the
Council which have important financial implications.
3.The Finance Committee shall submit to the Council, before the beginning of the financial
year, draft estimates of income and expenditure of the University and such estimates,
amended as the Council may think fit, shall be approved by the Council before the beginning
of the financial year.
4.The estimates shall show the income and expenditure of the University and the estimated
surplus or deficit for the year. The estimated expenditure shall be shown under votes, heads
and (where applicable) sub-heads. Any transfer between votes or heads shall require the
sanction of the Finance Committee. Any transfer between sub-heads shall require the
sanction of the Vice-Chancellor and the Treasurer, with the exception of transfers between
sub-heads solely concerning a College, which shall require the sanction of the Head of that
College, subject to any rules and directions that the Finance Committee may issue.
5.The Finance Committee shall report to the Council, at such times as the Council may
determine, any transfer between votes or heads. The Council may revise the estimates during
the course of the financial year.
6.As soon as practicable after the end of the financial year, a balance sheet and income and
expenditure account with supporting schedules shall be submitted to the auditors.
7.The audited accounts, with any comments thereon made by the auditors, shall be submitted to
the Council.
8.Nothing in this Statute shall deprive the Council of power to invest surpluses or prospective
surpluses at any time.
1 . There shall be a Committee of the Council known as the Administrative and Planning
Committee, which shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman;
(b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(e) the Head of each College;
(d) the Dean of each Faculty and of the Graduate School;
(e) the Secretary;
(f) the Registrar; and
(g) the Bursar.
The Secretary or his deputy shall serve as secretary of the Committee.
2. Subject to the Ordinance and the Statutes, it shall be the duty of the Administrative and
Planning Committee-
(a) to assist the Vice-Chancellor in the performance of his duties;
(b) to initiate plans of University development;
(c) to assist the Vice-Chancellor in reviewing and co-ordinating the annual and supple-
mentary estimates of recurrent and capital expenditures of the University, before
transmitting them to the Finance Committee of the Council;
(d) to review or propose academic and administrative appointments that are at and above the
level of Tutors and Demonstrators or their equivalent before these appointments are
(e) to deal with other matters referred to it by the Council.
3.The Administrative and Planning Committee shall report to the Council through the Vice-
1 . The Senate shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor who shall be Chairman;
(b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(c) the Head of each College;
(d) the Dean of each Faculty and of the Graduate School;
(e) the Professors, or the Reader in respect of each academic subject in which there is no
(j) the Directors of Studies if not a member under subparagraph (e);
(g) 2 Fellows of each College elected by the College's Assembly of Fellows; (L.N. 25 of
(h) the Registrar;
(i) the Librarian or, where applicable, the Acting Librarian;
(j) the Director of Student Affairs; (L.N. 251 of 1988)
(k) the President of the University Students Union; (L.N. 251 of 1988)
(l) 4 students elected from among full-time students pursuing approved courses of study for a
degree of the University.(L.N. 251 of 1988)
2. Members of the Senate (other than Fellows and student members elected under paragraph 1(1)
shall remain members of the Senate for so long as they hold the office or appointment by
reason of which they became members of the Senate. (L.N. 251 of 1988)
3. (a)Fellows elected under paragraph 1(g) shall hold office for 2 years from the date of their
election and shall be eligible for re-election provided that they shall cease to be
members of the Senate if they cease to be assigned to the College by whose Assembly of
Fellows they were elected. Should an elected member die or resign from the Senate or
cease to be a Fellow within the College by whose members he was elected a successor
shall be duly elected who shall be a member of the Senate for the unexpired period of
membership of his predecessor.
(b)Student members under paragraph 1(1) shall be elected in such manner as may be
determined by the Senate. (L.N. 251 of 1988)
(c)Student members elected under paragraph 1 (1) shall hold office for a period of one
year and shall be eligible for re-election provided that no student shall be a member of
the Senate for more than 2 consecutive terms of office. If a student member resigns or
ceases to be a member of the Senate and his unexpired period of membership is 6
months or longer, than a successor shall be elected in accordance with subparagraph (b)
for that unexpired period of membership, but if his unexpired period of membership is
shorter than 6 months, then no successor shall be elected for that unexpired period of
membership. (L.N. 251 of 1988)
(d)A student member shall cease to be a member of the Senate if he ceases to be a
registered student of the University or if he is suspended from pursuing full-time study
at the University. (L.N. 251 of 1988)
4. Subject to the Ordinance and Statutes, the Senate shall have the following powers and duties
(a) to promote research by members of the University;
(b)to regulate the admission of persons to approved courses of study and their attendance
at such courses; and to assign students to Colleges with due regard to the preferences of
both the students and the Colleges;
(c)to direct and regulate the instruction and teaching in approved courses of study and to
conduct the examinations leading to degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards of
the University;
(d)to consider, upon the advice of the Assembly of Fellows of each College, measures
necessary for the conduct of student-orientated teaching, and to consider also measures
necessary for the conduct of subject-orientated teaching;
(e)to make, after report from the Faculties concemed, all regulations for giving effect to
the Statutes and decrees relating to approved courses of study and examinations;
to appoint internal examiners after report from the Boards of Studies concemed;
(g)to recommend after report from the Boards of Studies concerned external examiners
for appointment by the Council;
(h)to recommend the conferment of degrees (other than degrees honoris causa) and to
award diplomas, certificates and other distinctions;
(i)to fix, subject to any conditions made by the donors and accepted by the Council, the
times, the mode and the conditions of competition for University scholarships,
bursaries and prizes, and to award the same;
(j)to recommend to the Council the institution, abolition or holding in abeyance of all
teaching posts and the assignment of teachers to a College after consultation with the
Assembly of Fellows (where one has been established) of the College concerned; (L.N.
25 of 1987)
(k)to recommend to the Council external experts to serve as members of Boards of
Advisers; (L.N. 100 of 1984)
(1) to report to the Council on all Statutes and Decrees and proposed changes thereof,
(m) to report to the Council on any academic matter;
(n) to discuss any matter relating to the University and to report its views to the
(o) to report to the Council on any matters referred to the Senate by the Council;
(p)to consider estimates of expenditure prepared in respect of the University, and to
report thereon to the Council;
(q)to formulate, modify or revise schemes for the organization of Faculties and to assign to
such Faculties their respective subjects; also to report to the Council on the expediency
of establishing at any time other Faculties or as to the expediency of abolishing,
combining or sub-dividing any Faculties;
(r) to establish, modify or abolish any Board of Studies and to determine its
functions; (s) to supervise the libraries and laboratories;
(t) to require any undergraduate or student on academic grounds to terminate his studies
the University;
(u) to determine-
(i) the academic year which shall be a period not exceeding 12 consecutive months;
(ii) the academic terms which shall be part of an academic year;
(v)to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the Council may
authorize or require.
5.The Senate shall hold at least 3 meetings in each academic year and additionally at any time
at the direction of the Chairman or on the written request of any 10 members of the Senate.
(L.N. 251 of1988)
5A. (a)Student members of the Senate and of such committees and other bodies as the Senate
may establish shall not be entitled to participate in that part of meetings considering
reserved areas of business or to see papers or any other documents relating thereto.
(b) The reserved areas of business are the following-
(i)matters affecting the appointment, promotion and other affairs relating to
teachers and members ofthe University staff as individuals;
(ii) matters affecting the admission and academic assessment of students as
individuals; (iii) expenditure estimates and other matters concerning the finances of the
h ' Chairman of the Senate, or the Chairman of the committee or other body
established by the Senate, as the case may be, may decide in any case of doubt whether
or not a matter fails within one of the reserved areas of business referred to above and
his decision shall be final. (L.N.251 of 1988)
6.7 days' notice in writing of any meeting of the Senate shall be sent by the Registrar to each
person entitled to receive notice of the meeting with the agenda therefor and no business
not on such agenda shall be transacted if the Chairman or any 4 members present object.
(L.N. 251 of1988)
7.The Senate may make for the proper conduct of its business Standing Orders which it may
amend or rescind by simple majority at any of its meetings provided that not less than 7
days' notice has been given in writing by the Registrar to members of the Senate of the
proposal so to amend or rescind.
8. The quorum at any meeting ofthe Senate be 24. (L.N.251 of 1988)
1 .The Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the Head of each of the Colleges shall
be members of each Faculty.
2.Each teacher shall be assigned by the Senate to a Faculty or Faculties and shall be a member
of such Faculty or Faculties during the tenure of his appointment.
3.The members of each Faculty shall elect, in such form and manner as may be determined by
the Senate, a Dean of their Faculty from among the members of their Board of Faculty who
hold the rank of Senior Lecturer or above; and a Dean so elected shall hold office for a term
of 3 years.
4. Subject to paragraph 3-
(a)the Dean of any Faculty shall be eligible for re-election for a second consecutive term
of office but if he does not seek re-election or is not re-elected he shall not be eligible
for another term of office until 2 years after he ceases to be Dean;
(b)any person who is Dean of any Faculty for 2 consecutive terms of office shall not he
eligible for another term of office until 2 years after he ceases to be Dean. (L.N. 67 of
5.Each Faculty shall meet at least once a year, and shall have the power to discuss any matters
relating to the Faculty and to express its opinion thereon to the Senate.
6. A Board of Faculty shall be established for each Faculty and shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(c) the Head of each College;
(d) the Dean, who shall be Chairman;
(e) the Chairman of each Board of Studies within the Faculty;
(f) other Professors, Readers and Directors of Studies within the Faculty;
(g) one representative of each Assembly of Fellows who shall be on the relevant Board of
Studies of the Faculty;
(h) 2 Senior Lecturers elected by the Senior Lecturers within the Faculty;
(i) 4 Lecturers or Assistant Lecturers elected by the Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers within
the Faculty.
7. The Board of Faculty shall co-ordinate the activities of the Boards of Studies
within the
Faculty and it shall be its function to consider and deal with the recommendations of the
Boards of Studies-
(a) on the content of courses for the degree or degrees; and
(b) on the details of syllabuses.
8.The Dean of the Graduate School shall be appointed by the Council on the recommendation
of the Vice-Chancellor for a period to be determined by the Council.
9. The Council of the Graduate School shall consist of-
(a) the Dean of the Graduate School, who shall be Chairman;
(b) the Deans of the Faculties;
(c) the Heads of the Divisions in the Graduate School;
(d) the Librarian;
(e) the Master of the Postgraduate Hall Complex.
10. Subject to the Ordinance and the Statutes, the Council of the Graduate School shall have the
following powers and duties-
(a) to advise the Senate on all graduate programmes of studies;
(b) to co-ordinate the activities of the Divisions within the Graduate School;
(c) to consider and deal with the recommendations of the various Divisions on the content of
courses and on the details of syllabuses.
1. The Council shall initially appoint 6 Fellows for each College on the recommendation of a
Committee consisting of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chairman;
(b) 3 Professors, Readers or Senior Lecturers nominated by staff in those grades, who are on
the existing staff of that College; and
(c) 3 Lecturers or Assistant Lecturers nominated by staff in those grades, who are on the
existing staff of that College.
At least 3 of the 6 Fellows so appointed shall be drawn from the existing staff of that College.
2.The Fellows of each College appointed under paragraph 1, together with the Head of the
College, shall form an Assembly of Fellows for that College.
3. The Head of a College shall be the Chairman of the Assembly of Fellows of that College.
4.Subject to paragraph 6, the Assembly of Fellows of each College may elect additional Fellows
to that Assembly from the academic staff of the University who have been assigned to the
College concerned.
5. A Fellow shall hold office for 5 years and shall be eligible to hold office again as
a Fellow.
6. The Assembly of Fellows of each College shall-
(a) elect one of their number to be a member of the Council;
(b) when necessary, elect 6 Fellows of varying academic seniority for the purposes of serving
on the Committee constituted under paragraph 1 of Statute 9;
(c) be responsible for-
(i)arranging the tutorial instruction, pastoral counselling and student-orientated
teaching of the students assigned to the College;
(ii) the supervision of residential accommodation for certain students at the College;
and (iii) the maintenance of discipline within the College.
7. An Assembly of Fellows may make Standing Orders for the proper conduct of its
1 .It shall be the duty of each Board of Studies to advise the Senate on the courses of study
within the purview of that Board of Studies, on the appointment of internal and external
examiners and on such other matters as the Senate may request.
2. Each Board of Studies shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(c) the Head of each College;
(d) all the teachers in the subject concerned, serving in their individual capacities; and
(e) such teachers in other subjects as in the opinion of the Senate contribute substantially to
the teaching of students who are pursuing courses in the subject in which the Board is
3.Each Board of Studies shall elect a Chairman from among those of its members who are
Directors of Studies for such period as may be determined by the Senate.
1 .There shall be a Convocation of the University which shall consist of all persons whose
names appear on the Convocation roll.
2.All persons who are graduates of the University shall be entitled to have their names entered
on the Convocation roll:
Provided that persons on whom a degree honoris causa has been conferred shall not
solely by reason thereof be members of Convocation, but may be elected by Convocation to
be members thereof.
3.Any person who obtains a diploma issued by the Post-Secondary Colleges Joint Diploma
Board in the academic year of establishment of the University shall be entitled to have his
name entered on the Convocation roll.
4.The Convocation shall from its own members elect a Chairman and may elect a Vice-
Chairman who shall respectively hold office for such periods as the Convocation may
determine. No member shall be eligible for election as Chairman or Vice-Chairman unless he
is normally resident in Hong Kong. Any retiring Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall be eligible
for re-election.
5.In case of any casual vacancy in the office of Chairman or Vice-Chairman, the Convocation
shall elect one its members to fill the vacancy and the person so elected shall hold office for
the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was appointed.
6. The Registrar shall be the Secretary ofthe Convocation and shall keep the roll
7.The Convocation shall from a date to be appointed by the Council elect such number of
members of the Convocation not exceeding 3 as the Council shall determine from time to
time to be members of the Council:
Provided that no person who holds an appointment in the University or who is a
member of the Board of Trustees of any of the Colleges shall be eligible for such election.
8.The Convocation shall, after a date to be determined by the Council, meet at least once in
each calendar year and notice of such meeting shall be given 4 weeks before the date of
meeting. Any member desiring to bring forward any business thereat shall forward a statement
in writing to reach the Secretary at least 3 weeks before the date of meeting, setting forth in
the form of motions the subject or subjects proposed for consideration.
9.The quorum at any meeting of the Convocation shall be as prescribed by the Council after
report from the Convocation.
10.The constitution, functions, privileges and other matters relating to the Convocation shall be
subject to the approval of the Council.
The acadmic staff of the University shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(c) the Head of each of the Colleges;
(d) the teachers;
(e) the Librarian; and
such other persons at the Council on the recommendation of the Senate may prescribe.
1.There shall be Boards of Advisers which shall make recommendations to the Council
concerning the appointment of academic and senior administrative staff. Recommendations
concerning the appointment of academic staff shall be conveyed through the Senate.
2. The Board of Advisers for each appointment of Professor, Reader and Senior Lecturer
consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall be Chairman;
(b)one member of the Council appointed by the Council, who is not a member of the
College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(c)2 members of the Senate, appointed by the Senate, who are not members of the College
to which the appointee will be assigned;
(d) the Head of the College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(e)the Chairman of the Board of Studies appropriate to the subject in which the
appointment is to be made, except that no such Chairman shall serve on a Board that is
concerned with a post senior to his own post; and
2 external experts.
3. The Board of Advisers for each appointment of Lecturer shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall be Chairman-,
(b)one member of the Council appointed by the Council, who is not a member of the
College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(e)2 members of the Senate appointed by the Senate, who are not members of the College
to which the appointee will be assigned;
(d) the Head of the College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(e)the Chairman of the Board of Studies appropriate to the subject in which the
appointment is to be made; and
one external expert.
4.The Board of Advisers for each appointment of Assistant Lecturer shall consist
of(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall be Chairman;
(b)one member of the Council appointed by the Council, who is not a member of the
College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(c)one member of the Senate appointed by the Senate, who is not a member of the College
to which the appointee will be assigned;
(d) the Head of College to which the appointee will be assigned;
(e)the Chairman of the Board of Studies appropriate to the subject in which the
appointment is to be made.
5. The Board of Advisers for the appointment of the Librarian shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall be Chairman;
(b) one member of the Council appointed by the Council;
(c) 2 members of the Senate appointed by the Senate; and
(d) 2 external experts.
6. The Board of Advisers for the appointment of the Secretary and the Registrar shall
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall be Chairman;
(b) the Chairman of the Council or in his absence a person appointed by the
Council; (c) one other member ofthe Council appointed by the Council; and
(d) 2 members of the Senate appointed by the Senate.
7. The Board of Advisers for the appointment of the Bursar shall consist of-
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, or a deputy appointed by him, who shall he Chairman;
(b) the Treasurer;
(c) one member of the Council appointed by the Council; and
(d) 2 members of the Senate appointed by the Senate.
8.The Boards of Advisers constituted under paragraphs 4 and 6 may, for the purposes of
making any recommendation, consult an external expert.
9.For the purposes of this Statute an external expert shall be appointed by the Council and
shall not be a member of the staff of the University.
10.No person shall be recommended for appointment to any post in respect of which the
relevant Board of Advisers includes an external expert or experts unless that expert, or if
there are two, those experts certify in writing that the person to he recommended is of the
required academic or professional standing.
11.Where, in relation to any recommendation for appointment to any post, the Board of
Advisers has 2 external experts and those experts are unable to agree over the
recommendation, the matter shall be referred to the Administrative and Planning
Committee, who may determine the dispute.
1 .The Council may appoint Honorary Professors and may award the title of Emeritus
Professor to any Professor who has retired from office provided that such appointment or
award is recommended by the Senate.
2.An Honorary or Emeritus Professor shall not ex officio be a member of the Senate or of any
Faculty or of any Board of Studies.
The Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and all other salaried officers and teachers
(a)shall vacate their offices or appointments by 31 July following the date on which they
attain the age of 60 years unless the Council by a vote of at least two-thirds of the
number of members present shall request any such person to continue in his office or
appointment for such period thereafter as it shall from time to time determine, or
(b)may retire, or upon the direction of the Council shall retire, at any time after attaining
the age of 55 and before attaining the age of 60.
Any person wishing to resign from any office or membership of any body shall do so by
notice in writing.
1 . The Council may for good cause as defined in paragraph 2 remove the Treasurer from his
office and any member of the Council other than the Chairman and any person appointed
under paragraph 1 (k) and (1) of Statute 11 from his membership of the Council.
2. 'Good cause' in paragraph 1 means
(a)conviction of any crime which shall be judged by the Council to be of an immoral,
scandalous or disgraceful nature;
(b)actual physical or mental incapacity which shall be judged by the Council to prevent the
proper execution of the duties of the officer or membership; or
(c)any conduct which shall be judged by the Council to be of an immoral, scandalous or
disgraceful nature.
3. The Council may for good cause as defined in paragraph 5 remove from their appointments
the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Head of each of the Colleges, any of the
Professors or Readers or Senior Lecturers, the Secretary, the Registrar, the Librarian, the
Bursar and any other person holding an academic or administrative appointment made by
4. The Council may and shall if requested by the person concerned or by any 3 members of the
Council before such removal appoint a committee consisting of the Chairman of the
Council, 2
other members of the Council and 3 members of the Senate to examine the complaint and
report to the Council thereof.
5. 'Good cause' in paragraph 3 means
(a)conviction of any crime which the Council after consideration if necessary of a report
of the committee referred to in paragraph 4 shall consider to be of an immoral,
scandalous or disgraceful nature;
(b)actual physical or mental incapacity which the Council after consideration if necessary
of a report of the committee referred to in paragraph 4 shall consider to be such as to
render the person concerned unfit for the execution of the duties of his office or
(c)conduct of an immoral, scandalous or disgraceful nature which the Council after
consideration if necessary of a report of the committee referred to in paragraph 4 shall
consider to be such as to render the person concerned unfit to continue to hold his
office or appointment;
(d)conduct which the Council after consideration if necessary of a report of the
committee referred to in paragraph 4 shall consider to be such as to constitute failure or
inability to perform the duties of his office or appointment or to comply with the
conditions of the tenure of his office or appointment.
6.Subject to the terms of his appointment no person referred to in paragraph 3 shall be
removed from his appointment save for good cause as defined in paragraph 5 and in
pursuance of the procedure specified in paragraph 4.
1.No student shall he permitted to pursue an approved course of study for a Bachelor's degree
of the University unless he shall have
(a) been admitted by and to the University;
(b) been registered as a matriculated student of the University; and
(e)satisfied such other requirements for admission to the course as shall have been
prescribed by regulation.
2.No student shall be permitted to pursue an approved course of advanced study or research
leading to a certificate, diploma or higher degree of the University unless he shall have
(a) been admitted by and to the University;
(b) been registered as an advanced student of the University; and
(c)satisfied such other requirements for admission to the course as shall have been
prescribed by regulation.
3.No student shall be permitted to pursue an approved course of study or research not leading
to a degree or diploma of the University unless he shall have
(a) been registered as an associate student of the University; and
(b)satisfied such other requirements for admission to the course as shall have been
prescribed by regulation.
4. Each student shall be subject to the disciplinary control of the University.
5.The University may demand and receive from any student such fees as the Council may from
time to time determine.
6.The Senate shall from time to time determine the requirements which an applicant must
fulfil for matriculation as a student of the University.
7.There may be a University Students Union. The constitution shall be subject to the approval
of the Council.
8There may be a Students Union for each College. The constitution shall be subject to the
approval of the Council, on the recommendation of the Assembly of Fellows of the College
1. (1) The University may confer the degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor with the
designations prescribed in paragraph 2(1) to students who---- (L.N. 31 of 1981; L.N. 121 of
(a) have attended an approved course of study;
(b) have passed the appropriate examination or examinations; and
(c) have complied in all other respects with the requirements prescribed therefor.
(2) The University may confer any of the degrees with the designations prescribed in
paragraph 2(2) on any person who has rendered distinguished service in the advancement of
any branch of learning or who has otherwise rendered himself worthy of such a degree. (L.N.
31 of 1981; L.N. 121 of 1989)
2.The degrees which may be conferred by the University shall have the following
designations(1) (a) Bachelor's Degress
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Business Administrations (B.B.A.)
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachclor of Surgery (M.B., Ch.B.)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.Sc.)
(b) Master's Degrees
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Master of Social Science (M.S.Sc.)
Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
(c) Doctoral Degress
Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
Doctor of Literature (D.Lit.)
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
Doctor of Social Science (D.S.Sc.) (L.N. 121 of 1989)
(2) Honorary Degrees
Doctor of Laws honoris causa (LL.D. honoris causa)
Doctor of Literature honoris causa (D.Lit. honoris causa)
Doctor of Science honoris causa (D. Sc. honoris causa)
Doctor of Social Science honoris causa (D.S.Se. honoris causa) (L.N.121of1989)
3.Save as provided by paragraph 4 the degree of Bachelor shall not be conferred upon a student
unless he shall have attended approved courses of study as a matriculated student of the
University for at least 4 academic years.
4.The Senate may, by way of special exceptions to the conditions prescribed in paragraph 3,
accept as part of the attendance of a student qualifying him for the conferment of the
degree of Bachelor periods of attendance as a matriculated student at another university
recognized by the Senate for this purpose:
Provided that the degree of Bachelor shall not be conferred upon such student unless-
(a)he shall have attended an approved course of study as a matriculated student of the
University for at least 2 academic years, one of which shall be the final year; and
(b)his total period of attendance as a matriculated student of this and another university or
universities shall have been not less than 3 academic years.
5.The Senate may accept a certificate of proficiency in any subject issued by another
university recognized for this purpose by the Senate as exempting from any examination of
the University in such subject for the degree of Bachelor other than an examination
qualifying for that degree in the final year of an approved course of study therefor.
6.Save as provided in paragraphs 10 and 11, the degree of Master shall not be conferred upon
any person in any Faculty unless he has pursued an approved course of study or research for
a period of at least 12 months after satisfying the requirements for the conferment of the
degree of Bachelor in the Faculty concerned or after admission as a postgraduate student in
terms of paragraph 9.
7.Save as provided in paragraphs 10 and 11, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in any
Faculty shall not be conferred upon any person unless he has
(a)followed an approved course of research as a student of the University for a period of at
least 24 months after satisfying the requirements for the conferment of the degree of
Bachelor in the Faculty concerned or after admission as a postgraduate student in terms
of paragraph 9; and
(b)submitted a thesis which is certified by examiners to make a distinct contribution to the
knowledge or understanding of the subject and to afford evidence of originality shown
either by the discovery of new facts or by the exercise of independent critical power.
8.Save as provided in paragraphs 10 and 11, the degree of Doctor of Literature, Doctor of
Science, Doctor of Social Science, Doctor of Business Administration or Doctor of Medicine
shall not be conferred upon any person unless- (L.N. 31 of 1981)
(a) he shall he a graduate of the University of not less than 7 years standing; and
(b)he shall have made in the opinion of the examiners a sustained contribution of
distinction to the advancement of his subject.
9.(1) A person who has graduated in another university or who as a registered student of
Chung Chi College, The United College of Hong Kong or New Asia College has obtained
before the date of establishment of the University a diploma or certificate issued by or on
behalf of such Colleges may be exempted from the matriculation requirement of the
University and may be admitted as a postgraduate student and may proceed to the degree of
Master or Doctor under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes and by decrees
and regulations made thereunder.
(2) A person who-
(a)has completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and holds
professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a degree; and
(b) has satisfied such other requirements as may be prescribed by the Statutes and by
and regulations made thereunder,
may be exempted from the matriculation requirements of the University and may be
admitted to be a postgraduates student with the approval of the Senate.
10.The Senate may recommend the award of the degree of Master or Doctor in any Faculty to
any member of the academic staff of the University and for this purpose may exempt any
such person from any of the requirements prescribed for the conferment of the degree other
than the examination therefor.
11.The Council may recommend the award without requiring attendance or examination of a
degree of Master or Doctor honoris causa: (L.N. 31 of 1981)
Provided that the holder of a degree which has been conferred honoris causa shall not,
by the fact that he has been admitted thereto, be entitled to practise any profession.
12.The Council shall not recommend the award of any degree of Master or Doctor honoris
causa except after consideration of recommendations submitted by an Honorary Degrees
Committee consisting of
(a) the Chancellor;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor;
(e) the Heads of the Colleges;
(d) the Chairman of the Council;
(e) 2 members of the Council nominated by the Council; and
members of the Senate, equal in number to the number of the Colleges, elected by the
13.The University may award diplomas and
certificates(a) to students who
(i) have attended an approved course of study;
(ii) have passed the appropriate examination or examinations; and
(iii) have complied in all other respects with the requirements prescribed therefor;
(b)to persons other than those provided for in subparagraph (a) above who are deemed by
the Senate to possess the qualification appropriate for the award of such diplomas and
certificates provided that such persons
(i) have pursued a course of study therefor at one or more educational institutions in
Hong Kong recognized for this purpose by the Senate; and
(ii) have passed the appropriate examination or examinations of the University.
14.Subject to the right of appeal from the decision of the Senate to the Council and from the
decision of the Council to the Chancellor, the Senate may deprive any person who has been
convicted of an arrestable offence or who in their opinion has been guilty of dishonourable
or scandalous conduct of any degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University.
Every examination or other test of the University qualifying in any subject of study for a
degree or diploma or qualifying for a higher degree of the University shall be conducted by a
board of examiners which shall consist of
(a)one or more internal examiners who shall be teachers in the subject of the
examination; and
(b)one or more external examiners who shall not be members of the academic staff of the
University and who shall not have taken part in the teaching of the candidates.
The Statutes may be cited as the Statutes of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
SCHEDULE 2 [s. 19]
1 .All immovable property within the precincts of the University and vested in any of the
Colleges or its Board of Governors or Board of Trustees as the case may be immediately
before the commencement of this Ordinance, is hereby transferred to and without further
assurance vested in the same interest in the University; and the agreements made between the
University and Chung Chi College dated 3 July 1970, the University and the Board of
Governors of New Asia College dated 29 December 1970 and the University and the Board of
Trustees of The United College of Hong Kong dated 21 January 1971 are hereby surrendered
to the University.
2.The Registrar General shall prepare such agreements as he considers necessary to effect a sub-
letting by the University to the respective Colleges of the buildings specified in Part II of this
Schedule and the land on which such buildings stand, together with such adjoining land, if any,
as the Registrar General or a public officer appointed by him considers essential to the use and
enjoyment of the buildings, containing such terms as the Registrar General thinks fit, which
agreements shall be executed by the University as landlord and the Boards of Trustees of each
College as tenants when so required by the Governor.
3.All movable property, assets and liabilities of the Colleges, other than movable property held
on trust by or for the Colleges, are hereby transferred to and vested without further assurance
in the University, and the University shall have all the powers necessary to take possession
of recover and deal with such movable property and assets and discharge such liabilities.
4.Every agreement, whether in writing or not, (other than the agreements surrendered under
paragraph 1) to which any College, or any Board of Governors or Board of Trustees of any
College, was a party, and whether or not of such a nature that the rights or liabilities
thereunder could be assigned shall have effect as if
(a) the University had been a party to such agreement; and
(b)for any reference to the College, or to the Board of Governors or Board of Trustees
ofany College however worded and whether express or implied, there were substituted in
respect of anything to be done on or after the commencement of this Ordinance a
reference to the University.
5.The appointment of any officer or servant of any College subsisting immediately before the
commencement of this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been made by the University under
this Ordinance, and for all purposes the service of such officer or servant shall be regarded as
continuous from the time he was appointed by the College.
6.Where anything has been commenced by or under the authority of any College prior to the
commencement of this Ordinance and such thing is within the power of the University or was
done in relation to any of the property, agreements, rights and liabilities transferred by this
Schedule to the University, such thing may be carried on and completed by, or under the
authority of, the University.
7.The Governor may by order provide for any matters which appear to him necessary or
expedient for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Schedule.
8.In this Part, 'College' means an original College and 'Colleges' shall be construed
accordingly. (59 of 1986 s. 4)
Original College Description of Property
Chung Chi College 1 . The Administration Building.
2. The Teaching Block and Library.
3. The multi-purpose Hall and Orchid Lodge.
4. The Stadium and Athletic Field.
5. The Music Centre.
6. The Student Hostels known as the Ying Lin Tang,
the Hua Lien Tang, the Ming Hua Tang and the
Wen Lin Tang.
7. The Staff Quarters.
8. The Old Clinic Quarters.
9. The Single Staff Quarters.
10. The Chapel.
11. The Theology Building.
The United College of Hong Kong 1 . The Staff Residence.
2. The Adam Schall Residence.
New Asia College 1 . The Junior Staff Quarters (Friendship Lodge).
(59 of 1986 s. 4)
SCHEDULE 3 [ss. 19(2) &
1. Interpretation
In this Schedule, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Boards of Trustees' means the Boards of Trustees of the Colleges incorporated under paragraph
'Chairman' means the Chairman of each Board of Trustees;
'College' means an original College and 'Colleges' shall be construed accordingly; (59 of 1986
'Council' means the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2. Incorporation of Board of Trustees
(1) There shall be a Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College which shall be a body corporate
and shall have the name of 'The Trustees of Chung Chi College' and in that name shall have
perpetual succession, and may sue and be sued, and shall have and use a common seal.
(2) There shall be a Board of Trustees of The United College of Hong Kong which shall be a
body corporate and shall have the name of 'The Trustees of The United College of Hong Kong'
and in that name shall have perpetual succession, and may sue and be sued, and shall have and use
a common seal.
(3) There shall be a Board of Trustees of New Asia College which shall be a body corporate
and shall have the name of 'The Trustees of New Asia College' and in that name shall have
perpetual succession, and may sue and he sued, and shall have and use a common seal.
3. Powers and duties of Boards of
(1) Each Board of Trustees shall hold in trust, and administer for the benefit of its College
the movable property which is vested in the Board under paragraph 7; and shall hold in trust for
the benefit of the University the buildings the subject of the agreements to be made under
paragraph 2 of Schedule 2.
(2) Subject to subparagraph (3), each Board of Trustees may, for the purpose of the trusts
under subparagraph (1), exercise the powers conferred on trustees by the Trustee Ordinance
(Cap. 29).
(3) A Board of Trustees shall not, without the prior approval of the Council, which may be
subject to such conditions as the Council thinks fit, accept any gift for the benefit of the
(4) Each Board shall make written provision for its procedure in the transaction of business,
the discharge of its aims and duties and the maintenance of good order at its meetings.
(5) The Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College shall
(a)recommend to the Council, through the Administrative and Planning Committee,
all appointments to the Theology Division, or whatever part of the University
shall succeed the Division as being responsible for theological education, including
the appointment of the Head of the Theology Division (or equivalent post) and of
the warden of the Theology Hostel.'
(b)allocate for the promotion of theological education, including the upkeep of the
Theology Building, the resources made available from private funds;
(c) provide for and appoint the Chaplain of the Chapel; and
(d) advise the Senate on all major policy matters relating to theological education, and
the Board of Trustees may delegate to a Theological Council appointed by it the power to
discharge the functions and duties imposed on the Board by this subparagraph.
4. Composition of Boards of Trustees
(1) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance, were
members of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College shall, on the commencement of this
Ordinance, become the members of the Board of Trustees of that College incorporated under
paragraph 2(1).
(2) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance, were
members of the Board of Trustees of lle United College of Hong Kong shall, on the
commencement of this Ordinance, become members of the Board of Trustees of that College
incorporated under paragraph 2(2).
(3) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance, were
members of the Board of Governors of New Asia College shall, on the commencement of this
Ordinance, become members of the Board of Trustees of that College incorporated under
paragraph 2(3).
(4) Any person who is at the commencement of this Ordinance, or who becomes, a member
of a Board of Trustees may retire as a member of that Board of Trustees, but no person shall
retire so as to reduce the number of members of the Board of Trustees below 4.
(5) Vacancies in the number of members of a Board of Trustees shall from time to time he
filled by such legal means as would have been available for the appointment of new trustees if
Board of Trustees had not been incorporated, and, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, section 42 of the Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29) shall apply in relation to the
appointment of new Trustees. (59 of 1986 s. 4)
5. Registration with Registrar of Companies
(1) Each Board of Trustees shall forward to the Registrar of Companies
(a)notice of the address of the principal office of the Board of Trustees and any
change thereof;
(b)a list of the names and addresses of the members of the Board of Trustees, and any
change therein, certified as correct by the Chairman; and
(C)a copy of the written provision made under paragraph 3(4), and any change therein,
certified as correct by the Chairman.
(2) Notification in accordance with subparagraph (1)(a) and (b) shall be made
(a) within 3 months of the commencement of this Ordinance; and
(b) thereafter within 28 days of any change.
(3) Notification under subparagraph (1)(c) shall be made within 28 days after the making of
any written provision under paragraph 3(4) or the making of any change therein.
(4) Any person may inspect at the office of the Registrar of Companies any of the
documents registered under this paragraph.
(5) A fee of $5 shall be payable for registering or inspecting any document referred to in
this paragraph.
6. Accounts
Each Board of Trustees shall in each year, prepare and produce to the Council its audited
accounts in such form and at such times as the Council may determine.
7. Transitional
On the commencement of this Ordinance
(a)all movable property held on trust by or for each College and all immovable
property held by or on behalf of the Colleges outside the precincts of the University
shall vest in the Board of Trustees of the College concerned without further
assurance and on the same trusts and subject to the same terms and conditions, if
any, on which the same was then held;
(b)the Board of Trustees of each College shall succeed to all rights, privileges,
obligations and liabilities of the Colleges relating to the property vested in the
Boards of Trustees under subparagraph (a).
8. (Repealed 59 of 1986 s. 4)
(59 of 1986 s. 4)
SCHEDULE 4 [s. 20(3)]
1. Interpretation
In this Schedule, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Board of Trustees' means the Board of Trustees of Shaw College incorporated under paragraph
2; 'Chairman' means the Chairman of the Board of Trustees;
'Council' means the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
'Planning Committee' means the Planning Committee for Shaw College established by the
under section 10(1).
2. Incorporation of Board of Trustees
There shall be a Board of Trustees of Shaw College which shall be a body corporate and shall
have the name of 'The Trustees of Shaw College' and in that name shall have perpetual
succession, and may sue and be sued, and shall have and use a common seal.
3. Powers and duties of Board of
(1) The Board of Trustees shall hold in trust and administer for the benefit of Shaw
College the movable property which is vested in the Board of Trustees by the University.
(2) Subject to subparagraph (3), the Board of Trustees may, for the purpose of the trust
under subparagraph (1), exercise the powers conferred on trustees by the Trustee Ordinance
(Cap. 29).
(3) The Board of Trustees shall not, without the prior approval of the Council, which may
be subject to such conditions as the Council thinks fit, accept any gift for the benefit of Shaw
(4) The Board of Trustees shall make written provision for its procedure in the transaction
of business, the discharge of its aims and duties, the appointment and retirement of its members
and the maintenance of good order at its meetings.
4. (1) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of The Chinese University of
Hong Kong (Declaration of Shaw College) Ordinance (Cap. 1139) were members of the Planning
Committee shall, on the commencement of that Ordinance, become members of the Board of
(2) Members of the Board of Trustees who become such members under subparagraph (1)
shall hold office for a period of 1 year from the commencement of The Chinese University of
Hong Kong (Declaration of Shaw College) Ordinance (Cap. 1139) and shall, subject to the
written provision made under paragraph 3(4), be eligible for re-appointment.
(3) Any person who on the commencement of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Declaration of Shaw College) Ordinance (Cap. 1139) is, or who becomes, a member of the
Board of Trustees may retire as a member of the Board, but no person shall retire so as to reduce
the number of members of the Board of Trustees below 4.
(4) Vacancies in the number of members of the Board of Trustees shall from time to time
he filled in accordance with the written provision made under paragraph 3(4) or by such legal
means as would have been available for the appointment of new trustees if the Board of Trustees
had not been incorporated, and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, section 42
of the Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29) shall apply in relation to the appointment of new Trustees.
5. Pegistration with Registrar of
(1) The Board of Trustees shall forward to the Registrar of Companies
(a)notice of the address of the principal office of the Board of Trustees and any
change thereof.,
(b)a list of the names and addresses of the members of the Board of Trustees, and any
change therein, certified as correct by the Chairman; and
(c)a copy of the written provision made under paragraph 3(4), and any change therein,
certified as correct by the Chairman.
(2) Notification in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)(a) and (b) shall be made
(a)within 3 months of the commencement of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Declaration of Shaw College) Ordinance (Cap. 1139); and
(b) thereafter within 28 days of any change.
(3) Notification under subparagraph (1)(c) shall he made within 28 days after the making of
any written provision under paragraph 3(4) or the making of any change therein.
(4) Any person may inspect at the office of the Registrar of Companies any of the
documents registered under this paragraph.
(5) A fee of $5.00 shall be payable for registering or inspecting any document referred to in
this paragraph.
6. Accounts
The Board of Trustees shall in each year, prepare and produce to the Council its audited
accounts in such form and at such times as the Council may determine.
(59 of 1986 s. 4)
Subsequent Cap No.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,