Regulation PART I Page
1. Citat ... ... ... ... F4
2. Interpretation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F4
3. Verandahs and balconies within lot boundaries and permit areas ... ... F 6
4. Buildings not to obstruct. endanger or cause nuisances ... ... ... ... F 6
5. Access to buildings and provision of access lanes. etc.. on site of new building F 6
6. Building Authority to determine width of road or street ... ... ... ... ... F 6
7. Eaves. cornices and mouldings ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 7
8. No verandahs over streets ............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 7
9. No balconies over roads .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 7
10. Balconies and canopies over streets ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 7
11.................Front and sides of balconies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... ... F 7
12.................No doorways on to canopy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... F 8
13.................Use of verandahs or balconies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 8
14........[Revoked] ......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 8
15......................Doors. etc. not to open over streets ... ... ... F 8
16......................Height of buildings adjacent to street ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 8
17........[Revoked] ......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 9
18........[Revoked] ...................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 9
19. Building Authority to determine height of, an site coverage and plot ratio for
building in certain cases ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
19A. Restriction on depth of certain buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 10
20. Permitted site coverage ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 10
21.............Permitted plot ratio ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 11
22. Permitted site coverage and plot ratio may be exceeded in certain cases ... ... F 11
23. Provision supplementary to regulations 19, 20. 21 and 22 ... ... ... ... ... F 13
24. Height of storeys ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... ... ... ... F 14
25. Space about domestic buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 14
26. New buildings on existing street less than 4.5 m wide to be set back from centre
line of street ...................... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... F 15
Regulation Page
27. Cuttings... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 15
28. Service lanes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 15
29. Lighting and ventilation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 15
30. Lighting and ventilation of rooms used or intended to be used for habitation or
as an office or kitchen ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 16
31. Minimum requirements of window ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 16
32. Restriction on distance any part of room may be from prescribed window ... F 17
33. Windows opening on to enclosed verandah, etc . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 18
34. Mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting of offices ... ... ... ... ... F 18
35. Additional vent may be required ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 18
35A. Provision for room-sealed gas water heater in bathrooms ... ... ... ... ... F 19
36. Rooms containing soil fitments... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 19
37. Light and air not to be diminished ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 20
38. Staircases to be fire resisting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...F20
39. Staircases ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
40. Staircases in buildings intended for separate occupation ... ... ... ... ... F 21
41. Means of escape... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 21
42. Landings, lobbies and passages... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 21
43. Distance from staircase ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 21
44. Revolving doors and turnstiles ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... F 21
45. Kitchens ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 21
46.Tenement house ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 22
Building abutting on retaining wall ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 22
48. Retaining wall forming part of a building... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 23
49. Building not to be used for domestic purposes and for dangerous trade ... ... F 23
50. Definition of temporary buildings and short lived materials ... ... ... ... F 23
51. Application to be made ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 24
52. Siting to temporary building ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 24
Regulation Page
53. Contractor's sheds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 25
54. Kitchens, latrines and drainage required ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... F 25
55. Live wire or cable to be made safe ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 25
56. Building Authority may erect sheds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F25
57. Deposit of security ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 25
58. Cancellation of permit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F25
59. Fences or walls to enclose timber yards ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
60. Fences not to be within 2 m of other premises ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
61. Storage of timber ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
62. Exemptions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
63. Penalties ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
64. Plans of hoardings, etc. to be submitted ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 26
65. Form of permit and power of Building Authority to make requirements ... ... F 27
66. Maintenance of hoardings, etc. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 27
67. Liability of permittee ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 27
68. Live wire or cable to be made safe ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 27
69. Deposit of security ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 27
70. Cancellation of permit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 28
71. Power of Building Authority to permit windows, etc. to face or ventilate into
unenclosed verandah, etc . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 28
72. Buildings to be planned for use by disabled persons ... ... ... ... ... ... F 28
First Schedule. Percentage site coverages and plot ratios ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 29
Second Schedule. Open space about domestic buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 29
Third Schedule. Disabled Persons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F 29
(Cap. 123, section 38)
j ~:2,
~7 [1 June 1956.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Building (Planning)
2. (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise re-
quires. words and expression have the meaning attributed to them
by the Buildings Ordinance. and-
-balcony- means any structure projecting from any wall of any
building to carry a floor or roof load either cantilevered or
supported by brackets;
---canopy-means any structure which projects.more than 750 mm
from any wall of any building to provide protection from rain
or sun. not carrying any floor load. either cantilevered or
supported by brackets.
'class A site' means a site, not being a class B site or class C site. that
abuts on one street not less than 4.5 m wide or on more than
one such street;
-class B site' means a corner site that abuts on 2 streets neither of
which is less than 4.5 m wide;
-class C site- means a corner site that abuts on 3 streets none of
which is less than 4.5 m wide.
-detached building- means any building which is not connected to
any other building and has a clear and unobstructed open
(a)extending the entire depth of the building of not less than
2.3 m measured at right angles to the external surface of
the building.
(b)in the rear of the building of a depth of 2.3 m measured at
right angles to the external surface of the building and
extending for the full width of the site.
*-disabled persons' means persons who, on account of injury,
disease, or congenital deformity, are substantially handicapped
in walking;
,,external wall' means an outer wall of a building not being a party
wall, even though adjoining a wall of another building;
'Tactory- means any building or place in which any machinery,
other than machinery worked entirely by hand. is used in aid of
any industrial undertaking carried on in such building or place;
'floor' means any structure forming the base of any storey and
every joist, board, timber, brick, concrete or other substance
connected with and forming part of such structure,
'latrine' means a privy, commode or earth closet but does not
include a water closet or a water flushed urinal.
---openair- means a space which-
(a) is vertically uncovered and unobstructed;
(b) is not less, in any horizontal dimension. than 1.5 m, and
(c)where such space is enclosed on 4 sides. has a horizontal
area of not less than 1 m' for every 6 m of the mean height
of the walls enclosing the space.
-Ordinance- means the Buildings Ordinance:
---permittedplot ratio- means the maximum plot ratio permitted
under paragraph (1) or (2), as the case may be. of regulation 2 1;
*'place of public entertainment- means a place of public entertain-
ment within the meaning of the Places of Public Entertainment
-prescribed- means prescribed by or under the Ordinance:
'road' means a street not including any footpath,
'room' means any portion of a building which has been subdivided
by the erection of partition walls from floor to ceiling,
'semi-detached building' means any one of a pair of buildings
connected to each other by a party wall and has a clear and
unobstructed open space-
(a)extending the entire depth of the building of not less than
2.3 m measured at right angles to the external surface of
the building;
(b)in the rear of the building of a depth of 2.3 m measured at
right angles to the external surface of the building and
extending for the full width of the site;
',site coveragC means the area of the site that is covered by the
building that is erected thereon and, when used in relation to a
part of a composite building, means the area of the site on
which the building is erected that is covered by that part of the
',storey' means the space between the upper surface of every floor
and the upper surface of the floor next above it where such a
floor exists and in the case of a top storey the space between the
upper surface of that floor and the mean height of the ceiling or
'streeC includes any footpath and private and public street;
'usable floor space' means any floor space other than staircases,
staircase halls, lift landings, the space used in providing water-
closet fitments, urinals and lavatory basins and the space
occupied by machinery for any lift, air-conditioning system or
similar service;
'verandah' means any structure projecting from any wall of any
building and supported by piers or columns.
(2) For the purposes of these regulations-
(a)a corner site shall not be regarded as abutting on 2 streets
unless at least 40 per centum of the boundary of the site
abuts on the streets; and
(b)a corner site shall not be regarded as abutting on 3 streets
unless at least 60 per centum of the boundary of the site
abuts on the streets.
3. Every verandah more than 600 mm above ground level and
everyl balcony shall have a parapet or railing along its outer edge or
4. No building or fixture thereon shall be so constructed
that it-
(a) (i) obstructs; or
(ii) endangers the users of any adjacent footpath or
street; or
(b) creates any nuisance; or
(c)permits the escape into or over any adjacent footpath or
street at a height of less than 2.5 m of any noxious gases or
exhaust from any ventilating system.
5. (1) Every building shall be provided with means of obtain-
ing access thereto from a street.
(2) The Building Authority may require the provision of an
access lane or access road within the site of any new building.
6. Where for the purposes of these regulations it is necessary
to determine the width of any road or street, the same shall be
determined by the Building Authority.
7. (1) Eaves, cornices and mouldings may, subject to the
provisions of paragraph (2), project over a street.
(2) No eaves, cornices or mouldings shall so project for a
distance of more than 750 mm or at a height of less than 2.5 m above
the level of the ground.
8. No verandah shall be erected, over or upon any street or
unleased Crown land.
9. No balcony shall be erected over-
(a) a road; or
(b) a street which is less than 11 m in width.
10. (1) Every canopy erected within 600 mm of the outer edge
of a footpath, or projecting over a road, shall have a clear space of
not less than 5 m beneath every part thereof.
(2) Every balcony or canopy erected over a footpath shall
have a clear space of not less than 3.5 m beneath every part thereof..
Provided that any balcony erected within 600 mm of the outer
edge of such footpath shall have a clear space of not less than 5 m
beneath every part thereof.
(3) Every balcony projected from an upper storey of a
building shall have a clear height upwards from the floor of such
balcony of not less than the clear height of the storey from which it
(4) The maximum projection of any balcony or canopy (in-
cluding cornices, mouldings or other features) erected over any
street shall be-
(a) one-tenth of the width of the street; or
(b) 3 m,
whichever is the less:
Provided that no portion of any such balcony or canopy shall
be within 4.5 m, measured horizontally, of a line drawn vertically
from a point in the centre line of the street nearest to such portion of
the balcony or canopy.
(5) No balcony which projects over a street, and no part of any
such balcony, shall be higher than the level at which the vertical
plane of maximum projection prescribed by paragraph (4) intersects
the plane formed by the angle of 76~ with the horizontal at the top of
every part of the wall from which the balcony projects.
11. Where any balcony is erected over a street-
(a)every such balcony shall have a parapet or railing along its
front and sides not less than 1 100 mm high, and the
lowermost 150 mm of such parapet or railing shall be built
(b)the front and sides of any such balcony may be enclosed
(1) glazed windows of metal or hardwood;
(ii) glass blocks;
(iii) bricks or building-blocks;
(iv) concrete; or
(v) Such other materials as may be approved by the
Building Authority.
12. No doorway giving direct access to the top of any canopy
shall be made in the external wall of any building.
13. Where any verandah or balcony is or has been built over or
upon any street no such verandah or balcony shall be constructed to
be used or adapted to be used as a factory, workshop, storeroom,
kitchen, lavatory, bathroom, water-closet, urinal or latrine.
14. [Revoked by L.N. 57/65)
15. No door, gate, window or shutter opening on or over any
street shall be so hung or placed as to project over such street at a
height of less than 2.5 m above the ground:
Provided that emergency exit doors may open outwards over
such street.
16. (I) Where a building abuts. fronts or projects over a
street, the height of such building shall be determined by reference to
the street shadow area thereof.
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), the street shadow area of a
building shall not exceed the area obtained by applying the
F x W / 2
in which-
F is the length of the frontage of the building; and W is the
width of the street upon or over which the building abuts, fronts
or projects.
(3) Where a building abuts, fronts or projects over 2 streets
forming a corner, the maximum street shadow areas of the building
permitted under paragraph (2) may be increased-
(a) by adding wholly in respect of one side of the building, or
partly one side and partly the other. an area obtained by
applying the formula-
W1 xW2/4
in which-
W1 and W2 are the widths of the 2 streets, respectively,
forming the corner; or
(b) where the 2 streets are not of equal width, by adding
wholly in respect of the side of the building abutting,
fronting or projecting over the narrower of the 2 streets, an
area obtained by applying the formula-
7 (WW - WN)
in which-
WW and WN are the widths of the wider and the
narrower, respectively, of the 2 streets forming the
(4) For the purposes of this regulation-
'corner' means an intersection of 2 streets where the angle of
intersection of lines drawn along the centre of such streets is less
than 140 measured on the side nearer to the building;
-frontage- in relation to a building, means that boundary of a site
upon which the building is erected which abuts or fronts a street
and includes any service lane or other opening within such
'street' means a street or service lane at least 4.5 m wide;
'street shadow area' in relation to a building , means an area on the
surface of a street contained by-
(a)a line formed by the projection from very part of the side
of the building abutting, fronting or projecting over such
street of planes at an angle of 76 from the horizontal from
the highest point on such building or on any projection
therefrom of a permanent nature, from which such planes
could be drawn uninterrupted by any other part of that
(b) a line formed by the frontage of the building; and
(c) lines drawn from each extremity of the frontage of the
building at right angles to the centre line of the street.
17. [Revoked, L.N. 54/69]
18. [Revoked, L.N. 54/69]
19. Where a site abuts on a street less than 4.5 m wide or does
not abut on a street, the height of a building on that site or of that
building, the site coverage for the building and any part thereof and
the plot ratio for the building shall be determined by the Building
19A. (1) Where a building has a frontage of not more than
8.5 m, the depth of the building shall not exceed 3 times the length
of its frontage
(2) For the purposes of this regulation, 'frontage' has the
same meaning as that specified in regulation 16(4).
20. (1) Subject to regulations 19A and 22 and depending on
the height of the building-
(a)the site coverage for a domestic building, or for the
domestic part of a composite building, on a class A site
shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the second column of the First Schedule;
(b)the site coverage for a domestic building, or for the
domestic part of a composite building, on a class B site
shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the third column of the First Schedule; and
(c)the site coverage for a domestic building. or for the
domestic part of a composite building, on a class C site
shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the fourth column of the First Schedule.
(2) Subject to regulations 19A and 22 and paragraph (3) and
depending on the height of the building-
(a)the site coverage for a non-domestic building, or for the
non-domestic part of a composite building, on a class A
site shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the eighth column of the First Schedule;
(b)the site coverage for a non-domestic building, or for the
non-domestic part of a composite building, on a class B
site shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the ninth column of the First Schedule; and
(c)the site coverage for a non-domestic building, or for the
non-domestic part of a composite building, on a class C
site shall not exceed that percentage of the area of the site
specified in the tenth column of the First Schedule.
(3) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the site cover-
age for a non-domestic building, or for the non-domestic part of a
composite building, on a class A, B or C site may, whatever the
height of the building, exceed the permitted percentage site coverage
to a height not exceeding 15 m above ground level.
(4) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that,
where pursuant to paragraph (3) the permitted percentage site
coverage is exceeded-
(a)above the level to which the permitted percentage site
coverage is exceeded, the site coverage for the building or
any part thereof shall not, subject to regulations 19A and
22, exceed the site coverage permitted under paragraph (1)
or (2), as the case may be; and
(b)the plot ratio for the whole building shall not, subject to
regulations 19A and 22, exceed the permitted plot ratio.
(5) In this regulation, the expression 'permitted percentage
site coveragC means the maximum site coverage permitted under
paragraph (2).
21. (1) Subject to regulations, 19 A and 22 and depending on
the height of the building-
(a)the plot ratio for a domestic building on a class A site shall
not exceed the plot ratio specified in the fifth column of the
First Schedule;
(b)the plot ratio for a domestic building on a class B site shall
not exceed the plot ratio specified in the sixth column of
the First Schedule;
(c)the plot ratio for a domestic building on a class C site shall
not exceed the plot ratio specified in the seventh column of
the First Schedule;
(d)the plot ratio for a non-domestic building on a class A site
shall not exceed the plot ratio specified in the eleventh
column of the First Schedule;
(e)the plot ratio for a non-domestic building on a class B site
shall not exceed the plot ratio specified in the twelfth
column of the First Schedule; and
the plot ratio for a non-domestic building on a class C site
shall not exceed the plot ratio specified in the thirteenth
column of the First Schedule.
(2) Subject to regulations 19A and 22, the plot ratio for the
domestic part of a composite building shall not exceed the product
of the diffierence between the permitted plot ratio for the building if
it were a non-domestic building and the actual plot ratio of the
non-domestic part of the building and the permitted plot ratio for
the building if it were a domestic building divided by the permitted
plot ratio for the building if it were a non-domestic building.
(3) For the purposes of this regulation and of regulations 19,
20 and 22, the plot ratio of a building shall be obtained by dividing
the gross floor area of the building by the area of the site on which
the building is erected.
22.(1) Where, between ground level and a height of not less
than 5m or, where the Building Authority is satisfied that there will
be no obstruction to vehicular traffic using the street. 3.3 m above
ground level. a building on a class A. B or C site is set back from a
boundary of the lot on which it is erected, being a boundary that
abuts on a street, and. with the consent of the Government, the part
of the lot that is thereby not build upon is dedicated to the public for
the purposes of passage-
(a)the site coverage for the building or for any one part of the
building may exceed the permitted percentage site cover-
age, so, however, that the site coverage therefor does not
exceed that percentage of the area of the site equal to the
sum of the permitted percentage site coverage for the build-
ing or for that part of the building. as the case may be. and
the figure obtained by dividing the product of 1 500 and
the area of the lot so dedicated to the public by the product
of the area of the site and the height of the building; and
(b)the plot ratio for the building or. if the building is a
composite building, for the domestic part of the building
may exceed the permitted plot ratio, so. however, that the
plot ratio therefor is not greater than the permitted plot
ratio for the building or for that part of the building. as the
case may be. by more than 20 per centum or does not
exceed 61e surn of the permitted plot ratio for the building
or for that part of the building. as the case may be. and the
figure obtained by dividing the product of 5 and the area of
the lot so dedicated to the public by the area of the site on
which the building is erected. whichever is the less.
(2) Where part of a lot, being a part that abuts on a street, is
acquired by the Crown. either by agreement or by resumption under
the Crown Lands Resumption Ordinance. for the purpose of street
widening, the Building Authority may permit-
(a)the site coverage for a building erected on that lot. being a
class A. B or C site. or for any one part of the building to
exceed the permitted percentage site coverage, so, however.
that the site coverage therefor does not exceed that percent-
age of the area of the site equal to the sum of the permitted
percentage site coverage for the building or for that part of
the building. as the case may be. and the figure obtained by
dividing the product of 1 500 and the area of the part of the
lot so acquired by the Crown by the product of the area of
the site and the height of the building: and
(b)the permitted plot ratio for the building or. if the building
is a composite building. for the domestic part of the build-
ing to exceed the permitted plot ratio. so. however. that the
plot ratio therefor is not greater than the permitted plot
ratio for the building or for that part of the building. as the
case may be, by more than 20 per centum or does not ex-
ceed the sum of the permitted plot ratio for the building or
for that part of the building, as the case may be. and the fig-
ure obtained by dividing the product of 5 and the area of the
part of the lot so acquired by the Crown by the area of the
site on which the building is erected, whichever is the less.
(3) For the avoidance of doubt. it is hereby declared that-
(a)where under paragraph (1) or (2) the permitted percentage
site coverage is exceeded in relation to a part of a building.
the site coverage for any other part of the building shall not
exceed the permitted percentage site coverage;
(b)nothing in this regulation shall be taken or construed as
derogating from the provisions of regulation 25 as to the
amount of open space to be provided about a domestic
(4) In this regulation, the expression ---permittedpercentage
site coverage- means the maximum site coverage permitted under
paragraph (1) or (2), as the case may be. of regulation 20.
23. For the purposes of regulations 19. 20, 21 and 22-
(a)the height of a building shall be measured from the mean
level of the street or streets on which it fronts or abuts or,
where the building fronts or abuts on streets having
different levels. from the mean level of the lower or lowest
of the streets to the mean height of the roof over the
highest usable floor space in the building;
(b)the gross floor area of a building shall be the area con-
tained within the external walls of the building measured at
each floor level (including any floor below the level of the
ground) to ther with the area of each balcony in the
building, which shall be calculated from the overall dimen-
sions of the balcony (including the thickness of the sides
thereof), and the thickness of the external walls of the
building; and
(c)a street that is less than 4.5 m shall be deemed not to be a
(2) In determining for the purposes of regulation 20, 21 or 22
the area of the site on which a building is erected-
(a)no account shall be taken of any part of any street or
service lane; and
(b)there shall be included any area dedicated to the public for
the purposes of passage.
(3) In determining for the purposes of regualtion 20, 21 or 212
the gross floor area of a building, the Building Authority may take
no account of any floor space that he is satisfied is constructed or
intended to be used solely for the parking. or for the loading or
unloading, of motor vehicles or occupied solely by machinery or
equipment, for any lift, air-conditioning or heating system or any
similar service.
(4) For the purposes of regulations 19, 20. 21 and 22, the
Building Authority may treat as a non-domestic building a compos-
ite building in which the only domestic part of the building is a place
of residence, not having more than 50 m' of usable floor space, for a
caretaker or other person employed in connexion with the building
or a service provided therefor or a residence comprising the top
storey of the building, or both.
24. (1) Every room used or intended to be used for the
purpose of an office or for habitation in any building shall have a
height of-
(a) not less than 2.75 m measured from floor to ceiling;
(b)in the case of detached or semi-detached buildings not less
than 2.5 m measured aforesaid:
Provided that there shall be not less than 2.3 m measured from
the floor to the underside of any beam.
(2) In any such room having a sloping ceiling, the height shall
be measured to the mean height of such ceiling above floor level:
Provided that no portion of any room shall have a height of less
than 2 m.
(3) Kitchens, bathrooms. laundries. water-closets and latrines
forming part of any building may be erected with a height of 2.5 m
measured as described in paragraphs (1) and (2).
25.(1) (a) Every domestic building on a class A or B site or
on a class C site shall have within the site an open space at
the rear, or partly at the rear and partly at the side, at a
level of not less than 150 mm below the floor of the
lowermost storey in accordance with the Second Schedule:
Provided that where the Building Authority considers
it necessary for proper and equitable development or
redevelopment of an adjacent site, he may require the
provision of more open space than that specified in the
Second Schedule.
(b)The open space provided pursuant to sub-paragraph (a)
shall be such that no part of the building which bounds on
such open space at any level shall be within 1.5 in,
measured horizontally, of a line drawn vertically from a
point in the boundary of the open space immediately
opposite thereto.
(2) No part of any domestic building shall be erected within
1.5 m of the rear boundary of the site. The open space so provided
shall be counted as part of the open space required under this
(3) No existing domestic building which has an open space of
equal or less area than that required by this regulation shall be altered
in such manner as to reduce the existing amount of open space.
(4) No existing domestic building which has a greater area of
open space than that required by this regulation shall be altered in
such a manner as to reduce the area of open space to less than that
required by this regulation.
(5) Where any open space or area is at a level more than 600
mm below an adjoining open space, safe parapet walls, railings or
fences shall be provided by the person creating the difference in
(6) Access shall be provided to every open space.
26. Where the width of an existing street in front of any new
building is less than 4.5 m, no part of such building shall be nearer to
the centre line of the street than 2.25 m.
27. (1) No building shall be built to abut against a cutting,
including a toe wall supporting a cutting.
(2) A clear intervening space or area of a width of not less than
-L of the height of the cutting shall be left between such building at
ground floor level and the toe of the cutting.
(3) Such intervening space or area shall in no case be less than
2.5 m in width.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation the height of the cutting
shall be deemed to be the height measured on a vertical line drawn
from the toe of such cutting, and extending from the finished ground
or concreted surface to a point where it meets a line drawn
downwards at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal from the
top of the cutting.
28. (1) In addition to any open space required under regula-
tion 25 every domestic building shall be provided with a service lane
at the rear or side of such building:
Provided that a service lane shall not be required-
(a)where a public lane not less than 3 m wide or a street
already exists;
(b) for detached and semi-detached buildings;
(c) where exempted by the Building Authority.
(2) Every such service lane shall be accessible from an existing
street but where such access is not immediately possible. this
regulation shall be deemed to have been complied with if access
would be obtained in the event of future development of redevelop-
ment of other lots within the block.
(3) The alignment, width and levels of every such lane shall be
decided by the Building Authority who may grant a modification of
regulation 25 when a lane exceeding 1.5 m in width is required.
29. Every storey of every building used or intended to be used
for the purpose of an office or for habitation shall be provided with
effectual means of lighting and ventilation.
30. (1) Every room used for habitation or for the purposes of
an office or as a kitchen shall be provided with natural lighting and
(2) Such natural lighting and ventilation shall be provided by
means of one or more windows which shall be-
(a) so constructed that-
(1) the aggregate superficial area of glass in the window
or windows is not less than one-tenth of the area of the
floor of the room, and
(ii) the windows can. to an extent at least equal in the
aggregate to one-sixteenth of the area of the floor of the
room. be opened in such manner that the top of the opening
of each window is at least 2 m above the level of the floor
or. in the case of detached and semi-detached buildings. at
least 1.9 m above the level of the floor: and
(b)such that not less than the area required by sub-paragraph
faces directly into the external air.
31. (1) No prescribed window shall, for the purposes of
regulation 30. be deemed to face into the external air unless-
(a) it faces into a street which is not less than 4.5 m wide. or
(b)it faces into a space uncovered and unobstructed above the
area delineated by the rectangular horizontal plane, and
(c) it is so placed that. if another rectangular plane, the base
whereof is equal to and common with the base of the rec-
tangular horizontal plane, is inclined, above the rectangular
horizontal plane, at an angle of 711 from the horizontal
where the window is in a room used for habitation or 761
from the horizontal where the window is in a room used
for the purposes of an office or as a kitchen, no part of the
building. or of any other building within the site on which
such building is erected. protrudes above such plane.. or
(d)where such window opens on to an area bounded on the
side opposite the window by a boundary of the site on
which the building is erected, such window is so placed
that. if the rectangular horizontal plane is projected to such
boundary and. from the position at which it first intersects
the boundary, another rectangular plane. the base whereof
is parallel and level with the sill of the window and has a
length equal to the length of the base of the rectangular
horizontal plane. is projected, towards the site and above
the rectangular horizonal plane, at an angle of 804 from
the horizontal where the window is in a room used for
habitation or 83 where the window is in a room used for
the purposes of an office or as a kitchen, no part of the
building, or of any other building within such site, pro-
trudes above such inclined plane:
Provided that, where there is a service lane or street less
than 4.5 m wide adjacent to and parallel with such boundary,
the boundary shall, for the purposes of this sub-paragraph be
deemed to be at a position 1.5 m beyond such boundary.
(2) The rectangular horizontal plane shall be such that-
(a) it has an area of not less than 21 m'; and
(b) the minimum length of the base is not less than 2.3 m, and
(c)the minimum length of the sides at right angles to the base.
between the wall in which the window is sited and any
other wall or building opposite thereto within the bound-
ary of the site on which the building is erected. is not less
than 4.5 m; or
(d)where the window opens on to an area bounded on the side
opposite to the window by a boundary of the site on which
the building is erected. the minimum length of the sides at
right angles to the base. between the wall in which the
window is sited and such boundary. is not less than 2.3 m,
(e)where the window opens on to an area bounded on the side
opposite to the window by a boundary or the site on which
the building is erected and there is a service lane or street
less than 4.5 m wide adjacent to and parallel with such
boundary, the minimum length of the sides at right angles
to the base, between the wall in which the window is sited
and a line 1.5 m beyond such boundary or, where such
service lane or street is less than 3 m wide, between the wall
in which the window is sited and a line drawn along the
centre line of the service lane or street, is not less than 2.3 m.
(3) For the purposes of this regulation(a) 'base', when used in relation to the rectangular horizontal
plane, means that side of the rectangular horizontal
plane common with the line of the sill of the window.
'rectangular horiziontal plane- means a rectangular plane
at the level of the sill of the window having the
minimum area and minimum dimensions prescribed
by paragraph (2);
'window' includes french window, and
(b)the sill of a prescribed window shall be deemed to be at a
level 1 m above the level of the floor of the room for which
the prescribed window is provided, whether or not the sill
is at such level.
32. No part of any room used for habitation shall be more
than 9 in, measured within the room, from a prescribed window
which faces directly into the external air or, where, under and in
accordance with regulation 33, a window opens on to an enclosed
verandah or balcony or on to a conservatory or on to any similar
enclosed place or is, under regulation 7 1, permitted to open on to an
unenclosed verandah or balcony or any other unenclosed place,
from the outer edge of the verandah, balcony, conservatory or
enclosed or unenclosed place, as the case may be.
33. Where any room used or intended to be used for habitation
or for the purposes of an office has a window which opens on to an
enclosed verandah or balcony or on to a conservatory or on to any
similar enclosed place, within, in each case, the boundary of the site
on which the building is erected, such window shall be deemed to
comply with the requirements of regulations 30 and 31 if-
(a)such verandah, balcony, conservatory or similar enclosed
place is provided with a window which would comply with
the requirements of regulations 30 and 31 if it were the
window of a room having a floor area equivalent to the
aggregate of the areas of the floors of such room and such
verandah, balcony, conservatory or similar enclosed place.
as the case may be; and
(b)the area of glass and the opening in the window of such
room is such that, to that extent, such window would
comply with the requirements of regulation 30(2)(a) if it
were likewise the window of a room having a floor area
equivalent to the aggregate of the areas of the floors of
such room and such verandah, balcony, conservatory or
similar enclosed place.
34. Where, owing to the position, level or unsuitable surround-
ings of any room used or intended to be used for the purposes of an
office, the provisions of regulation 31 cannot be complied with, in
respect of such room, to the satisfaction of the Building Authority,
there shall be provided-
(a)a mechanical means of ventilation which shall be capable
of supplying fresh air to all parts of such room at a rate of
not less than 5 changes of air per hour; and
(b)such artificial lighting as the Building Authority may
35. (1) Where in the opinion of the Building Authority com-
pliance with the provisions of these regulations will not secure
adequate ventilation for any room used for such purposes by reason
of its intended use, unsuitable surroundings or other cause he may
require that room to be provided with additional ventilation by
means of-
(a)an aperture or airshaft communicating direct with the
open air, having an unobstructed sectional area of not less
than 0.0 15 m'; or
(b) a fanlight which opens to a ventilated lobby or corridor; or
(e)such other means of ventilation as shall be approved by
(2) For the purpose of regulations 29 to 35, a laundry being
part of or used in connexion with any building shall be deemed to be
used for the purpose of habitation.
35A. (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3). suitable provision
shall be made for the installation of a room-scaled gas water heater
in every bathroom in a building.
(2) Where a room-sealed gas water heater to serve a bathroom
is, or is to be, installed in any place in a building other than in the
bathroom, suitable provision shall be made for the installation of
such room-sealed gas water heater.
(3) This regulation shall riot apply-
(a)to a building in respect of which the Building Authority
has, or is deemed to have, approved the plan of building
works under this Ordinance on or before 20 May 1983; or
(b)to a building which is designed, to the satisfaction of the
Building Authority, to have available therein a centralized
hot water supply.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation----
'room-sealed gas water heater- means a gas water heater which.
when in operation, has the combustion air inlet and the
combustion products outlet isolated from the room or place in
which the gas water heater is installed;
'suitable provision' means an adequate aperture in an external wall,
to the satisfaction of the Building Authority. to provide direct
access to the external air in respect of a room-scaled gas water
heater which is or may be installed, and which aperture is
capable of being sealed with a readily removable cover when a
room-sealed gas water heater is not installed.
36. (1) Every room containing a soil fitment or waste fitment
shall be provided with a window or lantern light.
(2) Every such window or lantern light shall be such that-
(a)the aggregate superficial area of glass therein is not less
than the equivalent of one-tenth of the area of the floor of
the room; and
(b)a part thereof, not less in area than the equivalent of
one-tenth of the area of the floor of the room. can be
opened directly into the open air.
(3) The top of that part of any such window which, in
accordance with paragraph (2), is designed to open shall be not less
than 2 m above the level of the floor of the room.
(4) No room containing a soil fitment shall open directly into a
room used or intended to be used for the manufacture, preparation
or storage of food for human consumption.
(5) For the purposes of this regulation. the expression, 'soil
fitment' means a water-closet fitment, a trough water-closet or
a urinal.
37. No building shall be erected in such a manner as to reduce
the quantity of light and air available to any other building, which
has been erected in accordance with these regulations, below that
required under these regulations.
38. Where any building exceeds 2 storeys in height, the main
staircase shall be constructed for its whole height of materials having
a fire-resistance period as defined in Part XVI of the Building
(Construction) Regulations, of not less than 1 hour.
39. (1) Every building which exceeds 1 storey in height shall
be provided with a staircase or staircases to give access to upper
floors unless there is separate access to such upper floors.
(2) The main staircase of every building which exceeds 4
storeys in height shall be continued to the roof of the building unless
a secondary staircase of fire escape is provided.
(3) The main staircase of every building which exceeds 1 storey
in height shall-
(a) have a clear height of not less than 2 m.,
(b) have a clear width of not less than 900 mm;
(c)be constructed with treads not less than 225 mm in width
(measured at the centre of the flight) from the face of one
riser to the face the next riser and with risers not exceeding
175 mm in height;
(d)have not more than 16 steps in any flight without the
introduction of a landing;
*(e)be provided on one or both sides with properly fixed
handrails which, in section, shall be---
(i) if tubular, not less than 38 mm and not greater than
50 mm in external diameter;
(ii) if rectangular, not less than 40 mm and not more
than 50 mm wide with an overall depth, or depth to a deep
groove, of not more than 50 min.
(iii) in any other case, such as to afford to the user
thereto a grip analogous to that specified in the case of
either tubular or rectangular handrails. whichever may be
the more appropriate having regard to the shape of the
be so arranged as to provide access to a street or to an open
space leading thereto; and
(g)if continued to the roof of the building as a means of
escape in case of fire be provided with a door at this level,
such door to be glazed in the upper panels.
40. In any building intended for separate occupation by more
than 2 tenants, the staircase intended for common use shall-
(a)be constructed for its whole height of fire resisting materi-
als as provid d in Par XVI of the Building (Construction)
(b)be provided with natural lighting at each storey above the
ground floor and be ventilated at least at its highest point.
41. (1) Every building shall be provided with such means of
escape in case of emergency as may be required by the intended use
of the building.
(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1). every building which
exceeds 6 storeys in height or in which the level of the floor of the
uppermost storey is more than 17 m above the level of the ground at
the point of discharge of the main staircase shall, in addition to the
main staircase, be provided with a second staircase as means of
escape in case of emergency.
42. The minimum dimension of every landing, lobby or
passage shall not be less than the width of the staircase to which
it leads.
43. Every part of any building intended for habitation or of
any school or of any building used as a place of public assembly shall
be not more than 24 m from a staircase, passage or other normal
means of egress.
44. (1) Where revolving doors or turnstiles are used an alter-
native means of exit shall be provided in close proximity.
(2) In any place of public assembly turnstiles, if used, shall be
kept clear of the line of exit.
45. (1) Every domestic building, and unless exempted by the
Building Authority any part of a domestic building which is intend-
ed to be separately let for dwelling purposes. shall be provided with
kitchen accommodation.
(2) The internal surface of every kitchen to a height of at least
1.2 m from floor level shall be faced with tiles or rendered in cement
mortar, not less than 12.5 mm in thickness, or other non-absorbent
(3) Every kitchen shall be provided with a-
(a)properly constructed fireplace or cooking slab unless the
cooking is to be done by gas, oil or electricity;
(b) sink and fittings for the supply of water.
46. (1) No tenement house shall be erected with a depth from
the front main wall or, if any balcony is projected from the front
main wall, from the front of every such balcony to the nearest rear
main wall exceeding 10 m unless exempted by the Building
(2)(a) Save where exempted by the Building Authority, every
storey of every tenement house shall be provided with a
window in such rear main wall of such storey.
(b) Such window shall be so constructed that-
(i) the aggregate superficial area of the glass in the
window is at least 1.5 m';
(ii) the window can, to an extent of at least 1.5 M2 , be
opened into the open air in such a manner that the top of
the opening is at least 2 m above the level of the floor.
(3) No windows required under these regulations in any
tenement house shall be obstructed by the erection of any structure
either inside or outside the building.
(4)(a) The internal area of every kitchen in a tenement house
shall be-
(i) not less than 3.75 m' where the total area of the
domestic premises of which such kitchen forms part, does
not exceed 45 m';
(ii) not less than 4.5 m' where the total area of the
domestic premises of which such kitchen forms part,
exceeds 45 m' but does not exceed 70 m';
(Iii) not less than 5.5 m' where the total area of the
domestic premises of which such kitchen forms part,
exceeds 70 M2.
(b)In no case shall the smaller dimension of such kitchen be
less than 1.5 m.
(5) For the purpose of these regulations a tenement house
means any building in the domestic part of which any living room is
intended or adapted for the use of more than one tenant or
sub-tenant. In this regulation 1iving room' means any room
intended or adapted as a place for cooking or sleeping.
47. (1) No domestic building shall be erected against a retain-
ing wall which exceeds 4.5 m in height.
(2) A space not less than 1.5 m in width shall be left between
any domestic building and the bottom of any retaining wall ex-
ceeding 4.5 m in height.
(3) For the purposes of this regulation a massive rock face
shall be deemed to be a retaining wall.
48. Any retaining wall, which forms part of any domestic
building shall, subject to the provisions of regulation 27-
(a)be properly waterproofed to prevent dampness in the
(b)be properly insulated to prevent condensation on the
internal face of any room intended for habitation within
the building.
49. (1) No building shall be used both-
(a) for domestic purposes; and
(b)for the manufacture or storage of such substances or
articles as are classified as dangerous goods under the
Dangerous Goods Ordinance, or
(e) as a motor repair shop; or
(d) as a vulcanizing shop; or
(e) for automobile or carriage painting; or
as a paint shop where paint or varnish is manufactured or
mixed; or
(g) as a dry cleaning establishment,
unless exempted by the Building Authority, who may prescribe such
structural and other requirements as in his opinion are necessary.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), where a
building is used for any of the purposes specified in sub-paragraphs
(b) to (g) thereof, any part of such building, not exceeding 50 m' in
area, may be used as a residence for a caretaker or other person
employed in connexion with the maintenance of or provision of
services for such building.
50.(1) (a) In these regulations temporary buildings shall
mean any building for which a permit is issued on a
temporary basis and is-
(i) required only for a short time,
(ii) constructed of short lived materials; or
(iii) constructed as a contractor's shed required in con-
nexion with the erection of permanent buildings.
(b)The Building Authority may, in his discretion, include any
building constructed on land held on licence.
(2) Short lived materials mean any building materials which
are, in the absence of special care. liable to rapid deterioration or are
otherwise unsuitable for use in the construction of permanent
(a)so far as they are used wholly or principally for the
construction of the weather-resisting part of a roof or
external wall of a building-
(i) tongued and grooved boarding fixed horizontally,
and any boarding less than 16 mm in thickness, or in the
case of feather edge boarding less than 16 mm in thickness
at the thicker edge of the board.
(ii) sheets of fibre building board (except super hard-
board as defined in British Standard Specification 1142:
1953). wood chip board or compressed straw;
(iii) wood-wool building slabs;
(iv) plywood, except plywood suitable for external use.
(v) plaster board.
(vi) fibrous plaster.,
(vii) lime or gypsum plaster on wood or metal lath;
(viii) cement plaster not exceeding 40 mm in thickness
on wood or metal lath..
(ix) sheet iron or steel which is not galvanized. painted
or otherwise protected by a bituminous or other not less
suitable coating.
(x) organic-based felt. except where used, in bitumen
roof coverings constructed in accordance with Part VIII of
the Building (Construction) Regulations;
(xi) canvas or cloth:
(xii) palm leaves or matting.
(b)unprotected softwood boarding, so far as it is used wholly
or principally for the construction of the weather- resisting
part of the roof of a building;
(e) any other combustible material.
51. (1) On receipt of an application, in the prescribed form,
from a building owner together with such plans as the Building
Authority may require, he may. in the prescribed form. permit the
erection of a temporary building.
(2) A permit issued under this regulation may specify the
period for which such temporary building may exist, and such other
conditions as the Building Authority may deem necessary.
52. (1) No temporary building constructed of readily com-
bustible materials shall be erected within 3 m of-
(a) any other building; or
(b) the boundary of the site within which it is located.
(2) Such space of 3 m shall be kept clear.
53. (1) Notwithstanding regulation 51, every contractor
(a)submit an application, in the prescribed form, to the
Building Authority for permission to erect contractor's
sheds (other than sheds in contractors yards) during the
execution of building works;
(b)supply information regarding the situation, dimensions,
construction, the length of time for which such contrac-
tor's sheds are required and their intended use; and if
intended for habitation, the number of persons to be
accommodated shall be stated.
(2) Every permit issued by the Building Authority under this
regulation shall be in the prescribed form.
(3) The floor of every contractor's shed which is intended for
habitation, shall be properly concreted or raised at least 1 m above
ground level.
54. Every contractor carrying out building works shall
(a)adequate kitchens and latrines for the use of the workmen
employed on such works; and
(b)for the disposal of drainage, which shall be into a public
drain or sewer where the same exists on or near a site.
55. Where any contractor's shed is erected near to any live wire
or cable, the contractor shall arrange with the owners of such wire or
cable, to take the necessary precautions to render safe such wire or
56. (1) Where any contractor fails to comply with the pro-
visions of regulations 53 to 55 or causes damage to Government
property in the erection and maintenance of such contractor's shed,
the Building Authority may cause to be erected and maintained such
contractor's shed as he may deem necessary and may make good any
such damage.
(2) The Building Authority may recover the cost of such work
from the contractor.
57. The Building Authority may require any contractor, to
whom a permit is issued to erect temporary sheds, to make a deposit
in the Treasury of a sum not exceeding $500 in respect of each shed
as security for the fulfilment of all obligations of the permittee. The
amount of the deposit shall be fixed by the Building Authority who
shall consider the circumstances of each particular case.
58. The Building Authority may cancel any permit to erect a
temporary building if the permittee-
(a) contravenes any of these regulations; or
(b) fails to maintain the building in a satisfactory manner.
59. Every place used or adapted to be used as a timber yard
which is within 15 m of any building, shall be enclosed on all sides
for a height of at least 2 m by-
(a) fences constructed of incombustible materials; or
(b) walls of bricks or building blocks built in cement mortar-
(i) not less than 100 mm in thickness;
(ii) provided with buttresses or piers not less than 215
min square in horizontal section at all ends and angles of
such walls and not more than 3 m apart, centre to centre;
(e) walls of concrete not less than 150 mm in thickness.
60. (1) Unless exempted by the Building Authority the fences
or walls surrounding a timber yaid shall not be built nearer than 2 m
to the boundaries of any other premises.
(2) Such space of 2 m shall not be used for storage or
obstructed by the erection of any structure.
61. No pile, stack or store of timber shall-
(a) exceed 9 m in height;
(b)be formed so as to provide any room or other space to be
used for habitation or any other purpose except access or
62. Timber in baulk, with an average sectional area of not less
than 0.05 m' shall not be subject to these regulations.
63. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with the
provisions of regulation 59, 60 or 61 shall be liable to a fine of 5500.
64. (1) Every building owner who intends to-
(a) erect, alter, or demolish any building; or
(b) carry out any excavations,
shall submit to the Building Authority plans of such hoardings,
covered walkways and gantries as may be necessary for the safety
and convenience of passers-by in the street, occupiers of adjoining
premises, or any workmen employed on the work.
(2) Such plans shall be accompanied by an application in the
prescribed form, for a permit to erect such hoardings, covered
walkways and gantries.
65. (1) Every permit to erect hoardings, covered walkways, or
gantries shall be in the prescribed form.
(2) The Building Authority may, upon issuing any such per-
mit, make such requirements in relation to construction and light-
ing, and require such precautions to be taken, as he considers
66. (1) Every building owner shall erect hoardings, covered
walkways and gantries in accordance with the permit issued under
regulation 65 prior to the commencement of the building works
specified in regulation 64, and shall maintain such hoardings,
covered walkways and gantries in good repair during the continu-
ance of the permit.
(2) Except on isolated sites, all hoardings. unless exempted by
the Building Authority, shall be close boarded.
(3) No hoarding, covered walkway. gantry or building
materials shall obstruct any drainage channel.
(4) No advertisement other than a description of the building
and the names of any persons concerned in its construction shall be
displayed on any such hoarding or covered walkway.
67. (1) Where any building owner fails to comply with any
requirement made, pursuant to the provisions of regulation 65, by
the Building Authority or with the provisions of regulation 66 or
causes any damage to Government property in the erection or
maintenance of such hoardings, covered walkways and gantries, the
Building Authority may cause to be erected and maintained such
hoardings, covered walkways and gantries as he may deem necessary
and may carry out any work necessary to secure compliance with
any requirement made pursuant to regulation 65, and may make
good any such damage.
(2) The Building Authority may recover the cost of such work
from the building owner.
68. Where any hoarding, covered walkway or gantry is erected
near to any live wire or cable, the permittee shall arrange with the
owners of such wire or cable, to take the necessary precautions to
render safe such wire or cable.
69. The Building Authority may require any person, to whom
a permit is issued to erect any hoarding, covered walkway or gantry
in, over or upon Crown land, to make a deposit in the Treasury of a
sum not exceeding $500 as security for the fulfilment of all obliga-
tions of the permittee. The amount of the deposit shall be fixed by
the Building Authority who shall consider the circumstances of each
particular case.
70. The Building Authority may in the public interest cancel
any permit to erect and require the removal of any hoarding,
covered walkway or gantry even if the permittee has fulfilled all his
71. (1) Where, by any of these regulations, any window or
vent or any other part of any building is required to face or to
ventilate, directly or otherwise, into the external air or into the
open air or any aperture or airshaft is required to communicate
with the open air, the Building Authority may, subject to the
provisions of paragraph (2), where he thinks fit, permit such
window, vent or other part of any building, as the case may be,
to face or to ventilate into, or such aperture or airshaft to com-
municate with, an unenclosed verandah or balcony or any other
unenclosed place.
(2) The Building Authority shall not give his permission under
this regulation unless he is satisfied that to do so will not be
to the prejudice of the standards of lighting or ventilation laid
down by these regulations or the health of the occupiers of the
(3) Where he gives his permission under this regulation, the
Building Authority may, upon giving his approval of the plans
of the building works, impose such conditions as he considers
*72. (1) Subject to paragraph (3), where a building is one
to which disabled persons have, or may reasonably be expected
to have, access, that building shall be designed to the satisfaction
of the Building Authority in such a manner as will facilitate the
access to, and use of, that building and its facilities by disabled
(2) A building shall be deemed to be designed in accordance
with paragraph (1) if its design complies with the requirements set
out in Part 1 of the Third Schedule.
(3) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to the cate-
gories of buildings specified in the first column of Part 11 of the
Third Schedule only to the extent specified in the second column
FIRST SCHEDULE [regs. 20 & 2 1.1
Domestic buildings Non-domestic buildings
Percenutee site Percentaee sit
Height of building coverage plot Tallo co,erktge Plot ratio
in me,,
Class Class Class ClassClass Class Class Class Clas- Class Class Class
site site siteSite site site ile site site site site site
Not exceeding 15 m 66.6 75 so 3 3 3.75 4,0 M M 100 i 5 5
Over 15 m but not 60 67 72 3.6 4,0 4.3 9~.5 97~ 97.5 5.8 5.8 5,8
exceeding 18 m
Over 18 m but not 56 62 67
3-9 4,3 4.7 95 95 95 6.7 6.7 6.7
exceeding 21 m
Over 21 m but not 52 58 63 4.2 4.6 5.0 92 92 92 7.4 7.4 7.4
exceeding 24 m
Over 24 m but not 49 55 59 4.4 4.9 5.1
0 '~ 1
89 % 9(
exceeding 27 m
Over 27 m but not 46 52 55 4.6 5,2 i.5 hy 87 88
exceeding 30 m 1
Over 30 m but not 42 471 50 5,0 5~7 6.0 80 82.~ 8~ 9,5 9.9 10,2
exceeding 36 m
O~ er 36 m but not 39 44 47 1 ~A 6,1 6 -,7,~ 80 to ~ 10.8 li~2
exceeding 43 m
0,er 43 m but not
37 41 44 5.9 6, i 7.0 1 69 721 75 11,0 11.6 12,0
eweedine 49 m i
Over 49 m but not 35 39 42 6,3 7.0 7. 5 64 67.~ 70 11.5 12. t 12.6
exceeding 5 5 in
O~er 55 m but not 14 38 41 6.8 7,6 8,0 60 62,~ 65 12,2 12.5 1 1~0
exceeding 61 in
Over 61 m 33.33 315 40 8.0 9.0 10.01 60 62,~ 6~ l5 1~ 15
1 1 -
Item Class of site Open space required
1 Class A site.Not less than one-half of the roofed-over area
of the building.
2. Class B site. Not less than one-third of the roofed-over area
of the building.
3. Class C site.Not less than one-quarter of the roofed-over
area of the building.
*THIRD SCHEDULE [reg. 72.1
Initial Access
1. (1) Access shall be provided from a point or points on the lot boundary to
at least one entrance and to a lift complying with item 4.
(2) Such access shall be free from steps. kerbs other than dropped kerbs, steep
ramps, doors or doorways which would impede the passage of a wheel chair or other
form of barrier which would prevent access by the disabled.
(3) When car parking is provided, at least one car parking space shall be
accessible to the said entrance and lift.
2. At changes in level other than when served by a lift or at kerbs there shall be
a ramp. Ramps shall be designed as follows-
(a) ramps shall be not less than 1.05 m wide;
(b)a space not less than 1.5 m square shall be provided at the head and foot of
every ramp~
(e)where a ramp is at a gradient of 1 in 20 or steeper, a landing 1,2 m long shall
be provided for each 10 m length of horizontal run or part thereof;
(d)any ramp with a rise greater than 200 mm, leading down towards an area
where vehicular traffic is possible. shall have a railing across the full width of
its lower end. not less than 1.5 m from the foot of the ramp;
(e) no ramp shall be at a gradient exceeding 1 in 12;
(f)all ramps shall be provided with handrails on both sides. Supports shall not
cause an obstruction to a height of 700 mm above ramp level.
Dropped Kerbs
3. Changes in level at kerbs shall be by a dropped kerb. Dropped kerbs shall be
provided at pedestrian crossings and at each end of the footpath of a private street or
access road. Kerbs separating footpaths or ramps from vehicular areas shall be
dropped kerbs. Dropped kerbs shall be constructed as follows-
(a) the length of dropped kerbs shall be not less than 1.2 m;
(b)the pavement at dropped kerbs shall be ramped at a gradient of less than 1
in 6 and there shall be a space of not less than 800 mm wide at the back of
the ramp.
(c)kerbs adjoining dropped kerbs shall be ramped at a gradient of less than 1
in 6.
4. Access shall be provided to every floor of the building by at least one lift
having minimum internal car dimensions of 1.2 m bY, 1.1 m wide, with a clear door
width when opened of not less than 750 mm.
Corridors, Lobbies etc.
5. Space shall be allowed for manoeuvering wheel chairs in corridors, lobbies,
aths and similar areas as follows-
(a) areas shall have a clear width of not less than 1.05 m,
(b)a space not less than 1.5 m square shall be provided at or within 3.5 m of
every dead end..
(c)any lobby in a corridor shall be not less than 1.2 m long excluding space for
door swings;
(d)a level area, extending not less than 1.2 m beyond the swings of the doors
and not less than 1.5 m wide shall be provided on both sides of every
entrance which requires compliance:
Provided that this item shall not apply to lobbies which lead only to
6. Doors for use by the disabled shall comply with the following specifica-
(a)doors, including where applicable one leaf of a pair of double doors, shall
have a clear width of not less than 750 mm between the open door and
opposite jamb or other leaf.,
(b)the unobstructed area adjacent to the door handle on the leading face of a
single door shall not be less than 380 mm wide.
(e)doors, if less than 380 mm from the corner of a room. shall swing from the
side nearer that corner.
Number of Water Closet Cubicles
7. (1) The minimum number of water closet cubicles for use by the disabled
on each floor level, or on that part of a floor level which is designed for access by the
disabled, shall be one where the total number of water closets provided on that level is
20 or less and 2 where the number of water closets exceeds 20.
(2) When water closet cubicles-for use by the disabled are accessible from a
corridor, the number of such cubicles shall be based on the number of water closets on
the floor level or that part of a floor level which is designed for access by the disabled.
(3) When water closet cubicles for use by the disabled are accessible through a
room with multiple cubicles, the number of such cubicles for each sex shall be based
on the number of water closets for each sex on the floor level or that part of a floor
level which is designed for access by the disabled.
(4) The water closet cubicles required by this Schedule shall be regarded as
included of the number of soil fitments required under the Building (Standards of
Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations and Part
VII of the Education Regulations.
Location of Water Closet Cubicles
8. (1) Water closet cubicles which comply A ith this Schedule shall be situated
in those parts of a building which also compl~.
(2) Such cubicles shall be accessible-
(a) directly from a public corridor which complies with item 5: and
(b)when situated within a room containing cubicles. through a clear space not
less than 1.5 m square immediately in front of the cubicle to allow
manoeuvrability or by direct approach where no turning of the wheel chair
is necessary.
9. (1) Handrails to ramps and steps shall be fixed not less than 30 mm and not
more than 50 mm clear of walls and additionally or alternatively other obstructions
and with a clear height of 70 mm from the top of the bracket to the top of the
(2) The tops of handrails shall be at a height of not less than 850 mm or more
than 1 m above nosing, floor or landing level.
(3) Handrails shall extend horizontally not less than 300 mm beyond the first
and last nosings of every flight of steps or beyond the ends of a ramp.
Wheel chair spaces in concert halls etc.
10. (1) There shall be provided in the auditorium of every building which is a
place of public entertainment a spectator level with one wheel chair space for every
400 or part of 400 seats in the auditorium.
(2) For the purposes of this item a wheelchair space is a rectangle of 760 mm by
1.37 m with a side of 760 mm being toward the stage. podium or screen.
Roomsfor the disabled in hotels
11. An hotel with 100 guest rooms or more shall provide not less than 2 guest
rooms with full facilities for the disabled and a Further room for every complete 100
guest rooms in excess of 200.
Caiegory of hitilding Extent ofthe application o.l'regitlatiopi 72
1. Domestic buildim~5 and the Regulation 72 does not apply.
domestic parts of composite
2. Schools.Schools providing education for disabled.
3, Buildings which are a place 1. The area of the main foyer.
of public entertainment. 2. The spectator level in the auditorium
provided in accordance with item 10
of Part 1 and means of access thereto.
3. Toilets for the use of the public.
4. Public swimming pools. gymnasia. The games areas including any swimming
games halls and sports stadia. pool. changing rooms, toilets and other
facilities open to the public. and the means
of access thereto.
5. Hotels. 1 .Public areas and means of access to
2. Rooms for disabled persons provided,
in accordance with item 11 of Part I
and means of access thereto.
6. Government aided housing. Those areas which are in common use by
the residents thereof. and the means of
access thereto.
G.N.A. 37/56. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 82/63. L.N. 57/65. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 78/70. L.N. 57/74. L.N. 13/75. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 156/77. L.N. 144/78. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 143/83. 73 of 1983. L.N. 365/84. Citation. Interpretation. 73 of 1983, s. 3. (Cap. 123.) G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 123.) G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] (Cap. 172.) G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. Verandahs and balconies within lot boundaries and permit areas. L.N. 294/76. Buildings not to obstruct, endanger or cause nuisances. L.N. 294/76. Access to buildings and provision of access lanes, etc., on site of new building. G.N.A. 83/59. Building Authority to determine width of road or street. Eaves, cornices and mouldings. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. No verandahs over streets. No balconies over roads. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 294/76. Balconies and canopies over streets. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 33/66. Front and sides of balconies. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 33/66. No doorways on to canopy. Use of verandahs or balconies. Doors, etc. not to open over streets. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 54/69. Height of buildings adjacent to street. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 156/77. L.N. 294/76. Building Authority to determine height of, and site coverage and plot ratio for, building in certain cases. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Restriction on depth of certain buildings. L.N. 78/70. L.N. 294/76. Permitted site coverage. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 78/70. First Schedule. L.N. 294/76. Permitted plot ratio. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 78/70. First Schedule. Permitted site coverage and plot ratio may be exceeded in certain cases. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 124.) Provision supplementary to regulations 19, 20, 21 and 22. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 294/76. Height of storeys. L.N. 294/76. Space about domestic buildings. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N.82/63. L.N. 294/76. Second Schedule. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 33/66. New buildings on existing street less than 4.5m wide to be set back from centre line of street. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 144/78. Cuttings. L.N. 294/76. Service lanes. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. Lighting and ventilation. G.N.A. 83/59. Lighting and ventilation of rooms used or intended to be used for habitation or as an office or kitchen. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Minimum requirements of window. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 54/69. Restriction on distance any part of room may be from prescribed window. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. Windows opening on to enclosed verandah, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. Mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting of offices. G.N.A. 83/59. Additional vent may be required. L.N. 294/76. Provision for room-sealed gas water heater in bathrooms. L.N. 143/83. Rooms containing soil fitments. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Light and air not to be diminished. Staircase to be fire resisting. L.N. 13/75. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) Staircases. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] Staircases in buildings intended for separate occupation. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 13/75. Means of escape. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 294/75. Landings, lobbies and passages. Distance from staircase. L.N. 294/75. Revolving doors and turnstiles. Kitchens. L.N. 294/76. Tenement house. L.N. 33/66. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. Building abutting on retaining wall. L.N. 294/76. Retaining wall forming part of a building. Building not to be used for domestic purposes and for dangerous trade. L.N. 54/69. (Cap. 295.) L.N. 294/76. Definition of temporary buildings and short lived materials. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) Application to be made. Form 31. Form 32. G.N.A. 83/59. Siting to temporary building. L.N. 294/76. Contractor's sheds. Form 33. G.N.A. 83/59. Form 34. L.N. 294/76. Kitchens, latrines and drainage required. Live wire or cable to be made safe. Building Authority may erect sheds. Deposit of security. Cancellation of permit. Fences or walls to enclose timber yards. L.N. 294/76. Fences not to be within 2m of other premises. L.N. 294/76. Exemptions. L.N. 294/76. Penalties. Plans of hoardings, etc. to be submitted. Form 35. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Form 35. Form of permit and power of Building Authority to make requirements. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Form 36. Maintenance of hoardings, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Liability of permittee. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Live wire or cable to be made safe. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Deposit of security. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Cancellation of permit. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Power of Building Authority to permit windows, etc. to face or ventilate into unenclosed verandah, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. Buildings to be planned for use by disabled persons. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] Third Schedule. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 82/63. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) (Cap. 279, sub. leg.)
G.N.A. 37/56. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 82/63. L.N. 57/65. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 78/70. L.N. 57/74. L.N. 13/75. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 156/77. L.N. 144/78. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 143/83. 73 of 1983. L.N. 365/84. Citation. Interpretation. 73 of 1983, s. 3. (Cap. 123.) G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 249/79. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 123.) G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] (Cap. 172.) G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. Verandahs and balconies within lot boundaries and permit areas. L.N. 294/76. Buildings not to obstruct, endanger or cause nuisances. L.N. 294/76. Access to buildings and provision of access lanes, etc., on site of new building. G.N.A. 83/59. Building Authority to determine width of road or street. Eaves, cornices and mouldings. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. No verandahs over streets. No balconies over roads. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 294/76. Balconies and canopies over streets. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 33/66. Front and sides of balconies. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 33/66. No doorways on to canopy. Use of verandahs or balconies. Doors, etc. not to open over streets. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 54/69. Height of buildings adjacent to street. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 156/77. L.N. 294/76. Building Authority to determine height of, and site coverage and plot ratio for, building in certain cases. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Restriction on depth of certain buildings. L.N. 78/70. L.N. 294/76. Permitted site coverage. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 78/70. First Schedule. L.N. 294/76. Permitted plot ratio. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 78/70. First Schedule. Permitted site coverage and plot ratio may be exceeded in certain cases. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 124.) Provision supplementary to regulations 19, 20, 21 and 22. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 294/76. Height of storeys. L.N. 294/76. Space about domestic buildings. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N.82/63. L.N. 294/76. Second Schedule. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 33/66. New buildings on existing street less than 4.5m wide to be set back from centre line of street. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 144/78. Cuttings. L.N. 294/76. Service lanes. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 294/76. Lighting and ventilation. G.N.A. 83/59. Lighting and ventilation of rooms used or intended to be used for habitation or as an office or kitchen. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Minimum requirements of window. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 54/69. L.N. 54/69. Restriction on distance any part of room may be from prescribed window. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. Windows opening on to enclosed verandah, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. Mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting of offices. G.N.A. 83/59. Additional vent may be required. L.N. 294/76. Provision for room-sealed gas water heater in bathrooms. L.N. 143/83. Rooms containing soil fitments. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 294/76. Light and air not to be diminished. Staircase to be fire resisting. L.N. 13/75. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) Staircases. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] Staircases in buildings intended for separate occupation. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 13/75. Means of escape. L.N. 33/66. L.N. 294/75. Landings, lobbies and passages. Distance from staircase. L.N. 294/75. Revolving doors and turnstiles. Kitchens. L.N. 294/76. Tenement house. L.N. 33/66. G.N.A. 83/59. L.N. 294/76. Building abutting on retaining wall. L.N. 294/76. Retaining wall forming part of a building. Building not to be used for domestic purposes and for dangerous trade. L.N. 54/69. (Cap. 295.) L.N. 294/76. Definition of temporary buildings and short lived materials. L.N. 294/76. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) Application to be made. Form 31. Form 32. G.N.A. 83/59. Siting to temporary building. L.N. 294/76. Contractor's sheds. Form 33. G.N.A. 83/59. Form 34. L.N. 294/76. Kitchens, latrines and drainage required. Live wire or cable to be made safe. Building Authority may erect sheds. Deposit of security. Cancellation of permit. Fences or walls to enclose timber yards. L.N. 294/76. Fences not to be within 2m of other premises. L.N. 294/76. Exemptions. L.N. 294/76. Penalties. Plans of hoardings, etc. to be submitted. Form 35. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Form 35. Form of permit and power of Building Authority to make requirements. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Form 36. Maintenance of hoardings, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Liability of permittee. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Live wire or cable to be made safe. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Deposit of security. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Cancellation of permit. G.N.A. 83/59. G.N.A. 75/62. Power of Building Authority to permit windows, etc. to face or ventilate into unenclosed verandah, etc. G.N.A. 83/59. Buildings to be planned for use by disabled persons. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] Third Schedule. L.N. 294/76. G.N.A. 97/62. L.N. 82/63. L.N. 365/84. [*In operation on 1.8.85.] (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) (Cap. 279, sub. leg.)
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“BUILDING (PLANNING) REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 28, 2025,