No. 1 of 1911, incorporated in No. 15 of 1908.
No. 2 of 1911, incorporated in No. 24 of 1910,
repealed by No. 25 Of 1935.
No. 3 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1895.
No. 4 of 1911, incorporated in No. 40 of 1932.
No. 5 of 1911, incorporated in. No. 11 of 1900,
repealed by No. 37 Of 1932.
No. 6 of 1911, incorporated in No. 39 Of 1909.
No. 7 of 1911, incorporated in NO. 2 and 6 of 1865.
No. 8 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1860.
repealed by No. 16 of 1930.
No. 9 of 1911, repealed by No. 36 of 1931.
N0. 10 of 1911.
An Ordinance for the incorporation and regulation of the
University of Hong Kong.
[31st March, 1911]
WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a University within the
Colony of Hong Kong for the promotion of Learning, Arts,
Science and Research, the provision of higher education,
the conferring of degrees, the development and formation
The provisions of this Ordinance, which are set out in full in the
Schedule to, and re-enacted by, the Law Revision Ordinance, 1939,
have been rearranged and amplified.
The statutes of the University formerly contained in the Schedule to
this Ordinance have been transferred to the corresponding volume of
the Regulations of Hong Kong.
of the character of students of all races, nationalities and
creeds, and the maintenance of, good understanding with
the neighbouring country of China:
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to incorporate the University and
to provide for its regulation
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the University Ordinance,
2. In this Ordinance-
(a) ' the University ' means the University of Hong Kong
established by this Ordinance;
(b) the statutes ' means the statutes of the University
(c) Court , Council ' and ' Senate ' respectively mean
the Court, the Council and the Senate of the University;
(d) ' Chancellor ', ' Vice-Chancellor ' and ' Registrar
respectively mean the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Registrar
of the University;
(e) ' good cause ', when used in reference to removal from
any office, means inability to perform efficiently the duties of the
office, neglect of duty or such misconduct, whether in an official
or a private capacity, as renders the holder unfit to continue in,
3. Should His Majesty deign to become a Visitor of the
University or to appoint some other person in that behalf, His
Majesty or such person shall forthwith become a Visitor as
aforesaid and shall exercise such powers of supervision as may
seem good to him.
4. There shall be established in Hong Kong a University
with the name and style of ' The University of Hong Kong
by which name the Chancellor and other members of the
University are hereby constituted one body politic and corporate
with perpetual succession and a common seal, and with full power
by and in such name to sue and be sued, and.without any further
licence to take by gift or otherwise, purchase and hold, grant,
demise or otherwise dispose of real or personal estate, and with
the other powers conferred by, under or by virtue of this
5. The area of Crown land situate to the south of Bonham
Road and to the cast,of Pokfulam Road, and, delineated and
described on the plan thereof signed by the Governor and by
William Chatharn, Director of Public Works, and deposited in
the Land Office, and all buildings now erected or in course of
erection or hereafter to be erected thereon, together with all
rights, easements and appurtenances thereto belonging, shall
vest in the University in fee simple for the purposes of this
Ordinance free of Crown rent: Provided always that the
University shall no t sell, convey or dispose of the said land or
buildings or any part thereof to any person without the written
licence of His Majesty: Provided alsh that if the said land and
buildings or any part thereof shall at any time cease to be
used for the purposes of the University in accordance with the
provisions of this Ordinance the said land and buildings or part
thereof, as the case may be, shall revert to the Crown.
6. All moneys subscribed for the purposes of the University,
whether on deposit in any name in any bank or not, and all
investments of such moneys, and all interest, income and profits
arising from such investments, and all securities therefor, shall.
vest in the University.
7.-(1) Contracts on behalf of the University may be made
as follows-.
(a) a contract, which if made between private persons would
be by law required to be in writing, and if made according to
English law to be under seal, may be made on behalf of the
University in writing under the common seal of the University;
(b) a contract, which if made between private persons would
be by law required to be, in writing and signed by the parties to
be charged therewith, may be. made on behalf of the University
in writing signed by any person acting under the express or
implied authority of the Council;
(c) a contract, which if made between private persons would
by law be valid although made by parol only and not reduced
into writing, may be made by parol on behalf of the University
by any person acting under the express or implied authority of
the Council.
In 1926 the University surrendered the fee simple in exchange for Crown
leases for 999 years.
(2) A contract made according to this section shall be
effectual in law and shall bind the University and its successors
and all other parties thereto.
(3) A contract made according to this section may be varied
or discharged in the same manner in which it is authorized by
6s section to be made.
(4) Instruments under seal made on behalf of the Univer-
sity, sealed with the common seal of the University, signed by
the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor or Treasurer and countersigned
by the Registrar, shall be deemed to be duly executed.
8. No dividend or bonus shall be paid and no gift or Dividends
division of money shall be made by or on behalf of the University prohibited.
to or among any of its members except by way of prize, reward
or special grant.
9(1) There shall be a Court, a Council and a Senate,
whose respective constitutions, powers and duties shall be as Senate, their
prescribed by this Ordinance and the statutes.
(2) The Court shall be the supreme governing body of the and duties.
University and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and
the statutes, shall have the general direction of the University,
its functions, property and affairs.
(3) The Council shall be the executive body of the Univer-
sity, and shall have the custody and use of the University seal.
subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the statutes, it
shall administer the property and manage the affairs of the
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the
statutes and to the financial control of the Council, the Senate
shall have the regulation of all matters relating to education in
the University.
(5) Subject to the provisions of sections 7 and 12, the Court
may, if it thinks fit, revoke any decision of the Council or of the
(6) No act or resolution of the Court, the Council or the
Senate shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in, or any
want of qualification by or invalidity in the election or appoint-
ment of any member of, any such body.
10.-(1) There shall be Faculties of Medicine, Engineering,
Science and Arts, and such other Faculties as may be constituted
by the Court on the recommendation of the Council. In the
Arts Faculties due provision shall be made for the study of the
Chinese language and literature.
(2) There shall be a Board and a Dean of each Faculty with
such powers respectively as may be prescribed by this Ordinance
and the statutes.
11-(1) For the purpose of advising the Court with respect
to the award of honorary degrees there shall be an Honorary
Degrees Committee which shall consist of such persons as shall
be provided by the statutes.
(2) No honorary degree shall be awarded save on the recom-
mendation of the Honorary Degrees Committee.
(3) For the purpose of assisting the Council in financial
matters there shall be a Finance Committee which shall consist
of such persons as shall be provided by the statutes and without
the previous approval of which-
(a) no expenditure shall be incurred or rnade by or on behalf
of the University;
(b) no moneys belonging to the University shall be invested;
(c) no immovable property shall be dealt with in any manner
by or on behalf of the University;
(d) no money shall be borrowed by or on behalf of the
(4) For the purpose of giving advice and assistance to the
Court, the Council, the Senate and the Board of any Faculty
in connexion with the exercise of their powers and duties, the
Court, the Council, the Senate and the Board of any Faculty
respectively may establish such committees as they think fit.
(5) Unless otherwise expressly provided, any committee may
consist partly of persons who are not members of the Court, the
Council, the Senate or the Board of any Faculty, as the case
may be.
(b) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the
statutes, the Court, the Council, the Senate and the Board of
any Faculty respectivel may, with or without restrictions or
conditions as they think fit, delegate any of their powers and
duties to any committee.
12.-(1) There shall be a Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor, a
Treasurer, a Registrar and such other officers of the University
as the Court may determine.
(2) The Chancellor shall be the head, and principal officer,
of the University.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the chief administrative
officer of the University.
(4) The Governor of Hong Kong shall be the Chancellor.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor and the Treasurer shall be
appointed by the Court on the nomination of the Council, and the
Court for good cause may revoke any such appointment.
(6) The Registrar, professors, readers, lecturers and other
officers of the University shall be appointed by the Council and
the Council for good cause may revoke any such appointment.
(7) An appeal shall lie to the Chancellor from any decision
of the Court or the Council to revoke the appointment of any
officer of the University.
(8) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, it
shall be lawful, during any vacancy in any office in the Univer-
sity or during the temporary incapacity, whether from illness,
absence from the Colony or any other cause, of any officer of
the University to act in his office, from time to time to appoint
any fit person to exercise the powers and perform the duties of
that office.
(9) The powers and duties of the.officers of the University,
the periods and conditions for and upon which they hold office
and their emoluments shall be such as are prescribed by this
Ordinance, the statutes and the terms of their respective appoint-
ments; but the Council may assign to any officer, subject in the
case of the Chancellor to his consent, such further powers and
duties as it may think fit.
13.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the
University shall be governed in accordance with the provisions
of the statutes set forth in the Regulations of Hong Kong (1937
(2) The Court may add to, amend or repeal any of the
statutes, and shall subm it every such addition, amendment or
repeal to the Governor in Council, who may approve or disallow
the same.
(3) Every such addition, amendment and repeal, if approved
by the Governor in Council, shall be published in the Gazette
and shall, unless otherwise provided, come into operation on the
day of such, publication.
14. All examinations held by the University shall be con-
ducted in such manner as the statutes and regulations shall
prescribe: Provided that at least one external and independent
examiner shall be appointed for each subject or group of subjects
forming part of the course of studies required for degrees: but
this proviso shall not apply to examinations for entrance to the
15. No distinction of race or nationality shall be permitted,
and no test of religious belief or profession shall be imposed, in
order to entitle any person to be admitted as a member, professor,
reader, lecturer, teacher or student of the University or to hold
office therein or to graduate thereat or to hold any advantage or
privilege thereof.
No. 11 of 1911, repealed by No. 8 of 1912.
No. 12 of 1911, incorporated in No. 3 of 1903.
No. 13 of 1911, incorporated generally.
No. 14 of 1911, incorporated in No. 1 of 1845,
repealed by No. 40 of 1932.
No. 15 of, 1911, incorporated in No. 2 of 1881,
repealed by No. 4 of 1931.
[1.1.32]. [Originally No. 10 of 1911. No. 4 of 1927. No. 5 of 1928. No. 46 of 1936. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Interpretation. Visitors. Incorporation. Real property. Personal property. Form of contracts. [cf. No. 39 of 1932, s. 31.] Dividends prohibited. Court, Council and Senate, their constitutions, powers and duties. Faculties. Honorary Degrees Committee. Finance Committee. Committees generally. Officers, their appointment, powers, duties and emoluments. Statutes. Regulations. Examiners. Distinctions of race, nationality and religion forbidden.
[1.1.32]. [Originally No. 10 of 1911. No. 4 of 1927. No. 5 of 1928. No. 46 of 1936. Law Rev. Ord., 1939.] Short title. Interpretation. Visitors. Incorporation. Real property. Personal property. Form of contracts. [cf. No. 39 of 1932, s. 31.] Dividends prohibited. Court, Council and Senate, their constitutions, powers and duties. Faculties. Honorary Degrees Committee. Finance Committee. Committees generally. Officers, their appointment, powers, duties and emoluments. Statutes. Regulations. Examiners. Distinctions of race, nationality and religion forbidden.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 10 of 1911
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“UNIVERSITY ORDINANCE, 1911,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 31, 2025,